2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Liberal Studies in Education

The Liberal Studies in Education (LSED) major at California Lutheran University offers prospective elementary school teachers with an undergraduate academic course of study that provides strong multi-disciplined subject matter knowledge as well as an understanding of how children learn and how they develop in social contexts, and an introduction to the use of teaching methods by applying said methods in over 200 hours of clinical practice. The program is a collaborative endeavor between the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Education. The rigorous course of study meets the California State Content Standards and the University Student Learning Outcomes. The education courses provide knowledge and practice that meet the California Teaching Performance Expectations. Students who complete the program well equipped in subject matter, pedagogical knowledge, and clinical practice needed to begin professional preparation in a credential program required to teach public school, or to teach in private or parochial schools
The mission of the Liberal Studies in Education is to prepare future teachers to engage the changing world of education by mastering their knowledge of subject matter, deepening their knowledge of how children learn and grow in social contexts, and advancing their knowledge of learning, teaching, and teaching methods, thus making them ready to teach in neighborhoods near and far.
In order to meet the needs of students, Cal Lutheran offers two program options:
  • Cal Lutheran LSED four year Bachelor of Arts – A traditional four-year undergraduate program culminating with a baccalaureate degree in Liberal Studies in Education with option to move to the Cal Lutheran credential program which typically takes an additional 3 semesters to complete. The student may then earn a Master’s Degree by completing 3 more graduate courses.
  • Cal Lutheran LSED Path to Credentialing – A four-year undergraduate degree, with graduate-level Foundations courses embedded in the program.  The student will then move into the Credential program earning a Multiple Subject credential in 2 semesters. The student may then earn a Master’s Degree by completing 3 more graduate courses.     

Major Requirements for Liberal Studies in Education:

70 units required

Language and Literature
ENGL 111Critical Reading and Writing II3
ENGL 312The Teaching of Writing3
ENGL 316First and Second Language Acquisition4
ENGL 335Children's Literature3
History/Social Science
HIST 101World Civilization to 15004
HIST 121United States History to 18774
HIST 345California History4
PSYC 200General Psychology4
MATH 120Concepts Underlying Arithmetic4
MATH 128Topics in Liberal Arts Math4
BIOL 111/111LPrinciples of Biology and Principles of Biology Lab4
PHYS 110/110LPhysical Science for Liberal Art Majors and Physical Science Liberal Arts Majors Lab4
GEOL 111/111LPhysical Geology and Physical Geology Lab4
Visual/Performing Arts
ART 341Visual Arts in Education3
MUS 103Music for Classroom Teachers3
TA 440Creative Dramatics for Children & Youth3
Physical Education/Health
EXSC 354Elementary School Physical Education4
LSED 362Career Choices in Education4
LSED 382Liberal Studies Seminar4
LSED 402Theories of Teaching & Learning4
Mandatory Minor Required

American Sign Language

American Sign Language (ASL)
Completion of ASL 102 satisfies Cal Lutheran's foreign language requirement
ASL 101Beginning American Sign Language 14
ASL 102American Sign Language 24


LSED 334. Sociology of Education. (4).

This course provides an overview of sociological theories of education and current research about education in the United States. Analysis will include the school as a social institution comprised of specific roles, values, and norms. We will examine the role of schooling in both reproducing and challenging social inequalities with an emphasis on how social class, race, gender, ethnicity, immigration, and sexual orientation impact the organization of school, the development of curricula, and the experiences of students. Minimum Sophomore standing.

LSED 362. Career Choices in Education. (4).

This course serves as an introduction to the teaching profession. Students who are considering a career in the field of education will become acquainted with the many facets of the teaching profession. Fieldwork in an educational setting is required. Transportation to a school site is necessary (arrangements can be made with classmates).

LSED 382. Liberal Studies Seminar. (4).

The goal of the course is to identify and establish a mission and vision for teaching and learning, to introduce and explore significant issues in teaching and learning, and provide information on pursuing credential requirements. The main emphasis of this course is a minimum of 60 hours of active service in a K-6 classroom where course content is applied in working with students.

LSED 402. Theories of Teaching & Learning. (4).

LSED 490. Independent Study. (1-4).

LSED 492. Internship. (1-4).



Dr. Brandy Yee


Gabriel Cazares

Kristen Walker


other faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences