Bachelor of Science - Business Adminstration with a Business Economics Emphasis
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Degree Requirements
50 credits minimum (34 credits upper division in Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, and Economics);22 supporting credits = 72 total credits
Internship/Independent Study Policy for Emphasis Requirement: A maximum of 4 credits combined total of Independent Study (BUS 490) or Internships (BUS 492) may count toward the 12-credit requirement for the emphasis. Students are free to strengthen their emphasis area with additional Independent Study or Internship credits beyond the 12-credit minimum.
If a student specializes in more than one emphasis area, no emphasis elective courses can overlap among the emphasis areas.
Required Courses:
BUS 251: Principles of Accounting
BUS 252: Managerial Accounting
BUS 256: Business Analytics I
BUS 356: Business Analytics II
BUS 367: Behavior in Organizations
BUS 374: Business Law
BUS 375: Principles of Marketing
BUS 381: Info Systems & Organization Design
BUS 391: Principles of Finance
ECON 311: Statistical Methods
Choose one of the following 4 credit courses:
BUS 469: Strategic Management
BUS 470: Executive Roundtable Capstone (By invitation only)
BUS 467: Business Academic Competition
BUS 485: Seminar (Additional fees may apply)
Required Supporting Courses
BUS 151: Introduction to Business
ECON 203: General Economics
ENT 101: Creativity and Innovation
BUS 301: Communication for Managers
or COMM 306: Business and Professional Communication
MATH 245: Applied Calculus (or equivalent)
Select one of the following:
PHIL 370: Business Ethics
RLTH 350: Contemporary Christian Ethics
Business Economics Emphasis
A minimum of 12 credits of the following:
ECON 312: Quantitative Analysis in Business
ECON 321: Money and Banking and Capital Markets
ECON 406: Intermediate Macro-Economics
ECON 411: Intermediate Micro-Economics
ECON 414: Economics of the Environment
ECON 416: International Economics
ECON 460: Economic Development
BUS 472: International Finance
BUS 475: Investment Analysis/Portfolio Developmt
BUS 490: Independent Study
BUS 492: Internship
UNIV 102: Introduction to Personal Finance