Bachelor of Arts - Theology & Christian Leadership with Not for Profit & Social Sector Emphasis
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Degree Requirements
36 credits minimum.
Major in Religion and Theology
Total Credits: Minimum as required
Required Courses:
RLTH 100: Religion, Identity and Vocation
or RLTH 300: Religion, Identity and VocationRLTH 291: Integrative Seminar Vocation & Leadership
or RLTH 292: Interfaith Storytelling and OrganizingRLTH 493: Research and Methods
RLTH 494: Research and Writing
RLTH 492: Internship
Elective Courses:
Select any upper division religion course in the 300 or 400 range as an elective from the following:
RLTH 372: South Asian Thought
RLTH 373: Global Jesus
RLTH 374: Jews and Judaism
RLTH 375: Muslims in the Modern World
RLTH 379: Sikhism
RLTH 395: Lutheran Spirituality
RLTH 396: Christian Spirituality
RLTH 397: Islamic Spirituality
Emphasis Courses:
Select one of the following:
RLTH 393: Spirituality and the Arts
RLTH 323: St. Paul, Identity & Community Org
RLTH 391: Children, Youth and Family Ministry
Additional Emphasis Courses:
Select four credits from the following:
Not for Profit and Social Sector
BUS 251: Principles of Accounting
BUS 301: Communication for Managers
or COMM 306: Business and Professional CommunicationBUS 342: Marketing Research/Consumer Behavior
or BUS 375: Principles of MarketingBUS 361: Human Resource Management
or BUS 367: Behavior in Organizations
or BUS 449: Managerial Leadership: Core Competencies
or COMM 335: Interpersonal CommunicationBUS 381: Info Systems & Organization Design
or COMM 348: Website Design and PublishingBUS 422: Non-Profit Leadership