Bachelor of Arts - Religion
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Degree Requirements
Required: 36 credits minimum.
Required Courses
Select one course
RLTH 100: Religion, Identity and Vocation
RLTH 300: Religion, Identity and Vocation
Take both courses
RLTH 493: Research and Methods
RLTH 494: Research and Writing
One Course in "Sacred Literature and Languages"
RLTH 315: Classical Hebrew Lang/Lit I
RLTH 316: Classical Hebrew Lang/Lit II
RLTH 317: Introduction to Biblical Greek I
RLTH 318: Introduction to Biblical Greek II
RLTH 320: Bible in the Ancient World
RLTH 321: The Bible and the Contemporary World
RLTH 323: St. Paul, Identity & Community Org
RLTH 328: Exploring the Qur'an
One Course in "Theology, Ethics and the Arts"
RLTH 344: God in Christian Thought
RLTH 347: Liberation and Theology
RLTH 349: Queer Theology
RLTH 350: Contemporary Christian Ethics
RLTH 351: Global Ethics
RLTH 353: Violence, Religion and Politics
RLTH 354: Theology and Business Ethics
RLTH 355: Cooperation in Modern India
RLTH 356: Sexual Ethics
RLTH 381: Religion, Food and the Environment
RLTH 382: Religion and Public Life
RLTH 384: Religion and Ecological Ethics
RLTH 391: Children, Youth and Family Ministry
RLTH 392: Christian Liturgy and Worship
RLTH 393: Spirituality and the Arts
ART 412: Christian Art in the Middle Ages
One Course in "Religious Traditions"
RLTH 331: Topics in Medieval Christianity
RLTH 332: Luther and the 16th Century Reformations
RLTH 334: The American Religious Experience
RLTH 360: Jesus in Film and History
RLTH 365: Women and Religion
RLTH 374: Jews and Judaism
RLTH 375: Muslims in the Modern World
RLTH 379: Sikhism
RLTH 395: Lutheran Spirituality
RLTH 396: Christian Spirituality
RLTH 397: Islamic Spirituality
RLTH 398: Sacred Space and Ritual
Four Upper Division Religion and Theology Courses which follow an articulated focus