Bachelor of Arts - Film and Television
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Degree Requirements
Film and Television Major with Film Studies emphasis:
Major with Film Studies emphasis
Major is minimum of 40 credits, 20 being upper division.
In the Film Studies emphasis, students learn how to study film as an art form and a mass medium. The curriculum focuses on the critical, historical, and theoretical aspects of motion pictures.
Introductory Courses
FILM 205: Introduction to Film and TV Production
FILM 101: Introduction to Film Studies
One of the following:
FILM 207: Begininning TV Production
FILM 208: Beginning Cinema Production
Required Courses
COMM 351: Research Methods
COMM 360: Film Theories
Select five courses from this list
COMM/POLS 308: Politics in Cinema
ENGL 201: Introduction to Literary Study
ENGL 470: Literary Criticism and Theory
ENGL 301: Academic Research and Writing
ENGL 360: The Holocaust in Literature and Film
FREN 447: French Cinema
GERM 447: German Cinema
MUS 333 ; History and Survey of Film Music
RLTH 360: Jesus in Film and History
SPAN 470: Film in Spanish
Film and Television Major with Production Emphasis
Major is 51 credits minimum with 20 being upper division
In the Production emphasis, students build advanced skills in film and television production, including camera operations, editing, lighting, writing, directing, and producing from experienced faculty.
Introductory Courses
FILM 101: Introduction to Film Studies
FILM 205: Introduction to Film and TV Production
FILM 207: Beginning TV Production
FILM 208: Beginning Cinema Production
Required Courses
FILM 304: Lighting and Cinematography for Film and Tv
FILM 305: Sound Design for Film and TV
FILM 306: Screenwriting
One of the following;
FILM 307: Advanced TV Production
FILM 308: Advanced Cinema Production
FILM 310: Producing and Directing For Film and TV
FILM 411: Post-Production and Distribution
FILM 492: Internship
Take eight credit hours from this list
COMM 360: Film Theories
COMM 404: Broadcast Sports Production
COMM 407: Broadcast News Production
FILM 4ST: Selected Topics (Advanced Screenwriting)
FILM 307: Advanced TV Production
FILM 308: Advanced Cinema Production
FILM 490 : Independent Study
FILM 492 : Internship
MULT 358 : Visual Effects/Motion Graphics/Animation
MULT 465: Maxon Cinema 4D 3D Animation
MUS 333: History and Survey of Film Music
TA 131: Beginning Acting
TA 433: Acting for the Camera