Bachelor of Arts - Economics
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Degree Requirements
Required: 40 credits minimum, 20 credits upper division.
Required Courses
MATH 245: Applied Calculus
ECON 311: Statistical Methods
ECON 406: Intermediate Macro-Economics
ECON 411: Intermediate Micro-Economics
ECON 450: Econometrics
ECON 470: Research Methods-Capstone
Select one of the following Economic sequence
ECON 203: General Economics
ECON 200: Introduction to Micro-Economics and ECON 201: Introduction to Macro-Economics
Select three of the following
ECON 206: Economic Systems and Society
ECON 301: Labor Economics
ECON 312: Quantitative Analysis in Business
ECON 313: Comparative Economic Systems
ECON 321: Money and Banking and Capital Markets
ECON 341: History of Economic Thought
ECON 414: Economics of the Environment
ECON 416: International Economics
ECON 420: Economic Entrepreneurship
ECON 421: Advanced Statistics
ECON 460: Economic Development
ECON 465: Global Political Economy
BUS 391: Principles of Finance
Honors in Economics
Students must have a GPA of 3.7 or higher by the end of their junior year after completing at least 75 credits in their study toward a BA in Economics, all lower division courses in the major and a total of 20 upper division credits toward their major. Those who are qualified to pursue an Honors Degree in Economics will take 8 credits: ECON 445 , ECON 497 and Honors Thesis.