Bachelor of Arts - Art with Design Concentration
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Degree Requirements
Required: 44 credits minimum, 26 credits upper division.
Required Courses
ART 112: History of Art
ART 160: Drawing
ART 236: Digital Photography
ART 270: Beginning Painting
ART 280: Design
ART 320: Sculpture
ART 380: Digital Art
ART 385: Advertising Art I
ART 410: Modern Art
ART 418: Interdisciplinary Arts - Capstone
ART 435: Adv Photography Intro Journalism
ART 440: Senior Show
ART 480: Advanced Digital Art
ART 481
Art Elective Credits
ART 105: American Art
ART 175: Introduction to Watercolor
ART 270: Beginning Painting
ART 330: Printmaking
ART 341: Visual Arts in Education
ART 342: Art and Psychology
ART 350: Ceramics I
ART 351: Ceramics II
ART 412: Christian Art in the Middle Ages
ART 420: Sculpture
ART 430: Printmaking
ART 445: Comiccomm: Globalism, Zeitgeist & Art
ART 472: Life Painting
FILM 208: Beginning Cinema Production
MULT 336: Developing Internet Content I
MULT 462: Digital Illustration
MULT 463: Graphic Design Multimedia Integration
MULT 358: Visual Effects/Motion Graphics/Animation
MULT 465: Maxon Cinema 4D 3D Animation
MULT 470: High Definition Digital Cinema I
TA 167: Design & Production for Stage & Media
TA 365: Makeup Design for Stage and Media
TA 342: History of Theatre and Drama I
TA 368: Scenic Design for Stage and Media (Advanced)
TA 369: Costume Design for Stage and Media
TA 366