2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Sports Management

Sports Management Major (BS)

Sports Management.  A truly interdisciplinary major that combines the best of business, liberal studies, and science.  Be prepared for tomorrow's wide world of sports including marketing, psychology, coaching, management, and behavioral sciences from both US and global perspectives.  Real world applications combined with exceptional faculty contribute to a broad set of competencies to get you ready for a job in the field of sports management.

The Sports Management minor is designed for students majoring in subjects other than business – providing a solid foundation in the management of sporting enterprises.

The minor spans multiple disciplines, including business, sociology and psychology, to give you a well-rounded perspective on the subject.

See Business, Psychology and Sociology for faculty and course descriptions.

Required Business Courses
BUS 251Principles of Accounting4
BUS 253Financial Info in Bus Organization4
BUS 367Behavior in Organizations4
ECON 311Statistical Methods4
Required Sports Management Courses
BUS 347Introduction to Sports Management4
BUS 411Sports-Related Marketing4
SPMG 322Ethical & Legal Aspects of Sports4
SOC 413Global Aspects of Sociology and Sport4
SPMG 488The Business of Sports4
SPMG 492Internship2-6
SPMG 497Capstone4
Electives (Take 1 Course)
BUS 381Info Systems & Organization Design4
BUS 443Event Planning and Management4
COMM 317Sports, Media and Society4
COMM 404Broadcast Sports Production4
PSYC 338Sport Psychology4
SPMG 411Sport Analytics and Research Methods4
SPMG 417Sports Facilities, Design and Management4

Minor in Sports Management

20 Credits Minimum

Required Courses:
BUS 347Introduction to Sports Management4
BUS 411Sports-Related Marketing4
Take 12 credits from the following:
BUS 431Brand Development & Customer Exp4
BUS 492Internship1-4
COMM 404Broadcast Sports Production4
PSYC 338Sport Psychology4
SOC 413Global Aspects of Sociology and Sport4


SPMG 322. Ethical & Legal Aspects of Sports. (4).

This course provides an extensive overview of legal principles and ethical issues in sport. This course introduces the different fields of law and issues (Federal Amendment, torts, contracts, labor relations) as they relate to sport. In addition, this course examines the basic philosophical issues concerning ethics and moral reasoning and how these issues relate to sport. Furthermore, this course is designed to help future sport administrators develop an ethical decision making process. Topics discussed include the concepts of morality, personal philosophy regarding social responsibility, theories of ethics, professional code of ethics, and legal requirements.

SPMG 347. Introduction to Sports Management. (4).

Includes (a)sport law - impact of the legal process on sport, (b)sport economics - how the price and market system, income and employment affect the sport enterprise, (c)sport marketing/promotion - effect of marketing and promotion on the economic well-being of the organization,(d)sports administration - overview of the total responsibilities of the sport administrator, including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the sports enterprise.

SPMG 411. Sport Analytics and Research Methods. (4).

The class will discuss the theory, development, and application of analytics in sports. Students will learn about the application of analytics in sports for purposes of in-game strategy, player performance, team management, sports operations, and fantasy competitions, among many other topics. The class will consist of lectures, guest speakers from the sports industry and academia, and culminate with a group project. Methods of research and research design for collecting data will also be discussed.

SPMG 417. Sports Facilities, Design and Management. (4).

Investigates the design and planning processes inherent in developing sustainable supporting facilities for organized sports at multiple levels including recreational, secondary school, post secondary, and professional venues. Includes investigation of components including playing fields and courts, site selection and development phases, facilities operation, safety and risk management, and development of contributing areas.

SPMG 488. The Business of Sports. (4).

This course offers a selective examination of various aspects of the business of sport. While the course is anchored on the concepts central to the study of sport management (e.g., Managerial Leadership, Finance and Economics, Marketing, Law, and Ethics), it also grows out of considerable work in the history of sports. So, expect lots of examples and case studies that are historical in nature. The major themes of the course are reflected in the course schedule and include the emergence of professional teams and leagues, tensions between amateurism and professionalism, strategies for developing athletic talent, the globalization of sports, the interaction of business and politics in sport, sports communication technologies, funding and design of sports facilities, and issues of race and gender.

SPMG 492. Internship. (2-6).

SPMG 497. Capstone. (4).

The Sport Management Capstone Course focuses on the process, production, and presentation of an applied research/data-based project for a property, cause, issue, or event concerning some issue regarding the management of sport. Sport Management Capstone Projects and the associated artifacts End Products created are tangible assets that can be shown to prospective employers as a demonstration of the application of students' practical sport management knowledge base, research and analytical skills, conceptual ability, writing skills, professionalism, and overall creativity. Prerequisite: senior standing.