2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.


Human psychology is the result of biological, developmental, emotional, cognitive, and social processes. Psychologists study these processes through the application of the scientific method and apply their findings to better understand human behavior.

While lecture and reading assignments are part of every course, faculty in the department encourage students to be active participants in learning through laboratory and case study projects. The four junior/senior capstone courses are practicums emphasizing the integration and application of theory and concepts, ethics, oral and written communication, and research methodology.

Cal Lutheran’s Psychology Department has a chapter of Psi Chi, an international honor society for psychology majors, and each year several of our students receive support to present their research projects at regional and national conferences.

The bachelor’s degree in psychology is excellent preparation for graduate work in psychology, law and business. With a bachelor’s degree, employment opportunities can be found in psychiatric rehabilitation programs, as research assistants and in the business world. Those with master’s degrees may work in clinics and institutions, teach at a two-year college or work as school psychologists and counselors. For some clinical and research work, a doctorate is required.

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

36 credits minimum; 24 credits upper division.

Required Courses
PSYC 200General Psychology4
PSYC 222Abnormal Psychology4
PSYC 312Research Design and Statistics I4
PSYC 313Research Design and Statistics II4
PSYC 331Physiological Psychology4
Take one of the following: 4
Child and Adolescent Development
Adult Development and Aging
Theories of Personality
Social Psychology
Cultural Psychology
Select one of the following: 4
Principles of Learning and Memory
History and Systems of Psychology
Human Behavior:principles & Application
Human Cognition
Sensation and Perception
Select one of the following: 4
Applied Psychology Practicum
Counseling and Psychotherapy
Clinical Practicum
Take one Psychology elective course (lower or upper division)4

 Bachelor of Science in Psychology

44 Credits--32 Upper Division

PSYC 200General Psychology4
PSYC 222Abnormal Psychology4
PSYC 312Research Design and Statistics I4
PSYC 313Research Design and Statistics II4
PSYC 331Physiological Psychology4
PSYC 412Advanced Research Design and Statistics4
PSYC 494Clinical Practicum4
or PSYC 495 Research Practicum
Take one course from the following:
PSYC 304Child and Adolescent Development4
PSYC 305Adult Development and Aging4
PSYC 325Theories of Personality4
PSYC 401Social Psychology4
PSYC 417Cultural Psychology4
Take one course from the following:
PSYC 315Principles of Learning and Memory4
PSYC 340History and Systems of Psychology4
PSYC 416Human Behavior:principles & Application4
PSYC 421Human Cognition4
PSYC 450Sensation and Perception4
Take 8 additional credits 4 must be upper division8

Emphasis Area Options:

Because psychology may be applied to a wide range of human endeavors, students may add an emphasis area to the B.A. or B.S. to increase their marketability at graduation. Students select courses from an approved list of interdisciplinary courses to complete one of the following emphasis areas: Behavioral/Clinical Applications, Business/Organizational Applications, Family and Child Development, Health and Wellness Applications, Law and Criminal Behavior Applications, Psychobiology, Sports Psychology Applications.

Family and Child Development Applications
Required Courses:
PSYC 304Child and Adolescent Development4
PSYC 305Adult Development and Aging4
PSYC 340History and Systems of Psychology4
PSYC 422Child Psychopathology4
Take 4 from the following
COMM 301Persuasive Communication4
COMM 315Small Group Communication4
or COMM 335 Interpersonal Communication
CRIM 350Juvenile Delinquency4
ENGL 312The Teaching of Writing3
ENGL 316First and Second Language Acquisition4
EXSC 302Motor Development Across a Life Span3
PSYC 325Theories of Personality4
PSYC 330Psychological Assessment4
PSYC 416Human Behavior:principles & Application4
PSYC 417Cultural Psychology4
PSYC 492Internship1-4
SOC 300Sexuality and Society4
Take NO more than 1 from the following
ART 341Visual Arts in Education3
ENGL 335Children's Literature3
TA 440Creative Dramatics for Children & Youth3
Law and Criminal Behavior Applications
CRIM 341Criminal Psychology4
or PSYC 341 Criminal Psychology
Take 5 courses from
CRIM 340Violence & Victimization4
CRIM 350Juvenile Delinquency4
CRIM 370Deviance in U.S. Society4
CRIM 430Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Crime4
CRIM 451Forensic Investigations4
or PSYC 451 Forensic Investigations
Take at least one from the following:
CRIM 105Introduction to Law and Legal Process4
or POLS 105 Introduction to Law and Legal Process
CRIM 276Criminal and Procedural Law4
POLS 401American Constitutional Law4
POLS 481Law and Society4
Take 1 from the following
CRIM 320Critical Issues in Policing4
CRIM 330Contemporary Corrections4
CRIM 404Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice4
or POLS 404 Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice
CRIM 355Family Violence4
CRIM 410Substance Abuse4
CRIM 440Terrorism4
or POLS 440 Terrorism
PSYC 417Cultural Psychology4
SOC 360Racial and Ethnic Relations4
Business/Organizational Applications
COMM 306Business and Professional Communication4
PSYC 330Psychological Assessment4
PSYC 482Selected Topic (Industrial/Organizational Psychology)4
Take 3 from the following
BUS 381Info Systems & Organization Design4
BUS 448Organization Development4
COMM 335Interpersonal Communication4
ECON 312Quantitative Analysis in Business4
PHIL 300Ethics4
or PHIL 350 Technology and Value
PSYC 203Understanding Emotion4
PSYC 401Social Psychology4
Take at least one from the following
BUS 255Environment of Business4
BUS 367Behavior in Organizations4
BUS 368Human Resource Mangement4
BUS 446Theories and Practice of Leadership4
BUS 449Managerial Leadership: Core Competencies4
Clinical & Behavioral Applications
PSYC 325Theories of Personality4
PSYC 330Psychological Assessment4
PSYC 435Counseling and Psychotherapy4
Take 2 from the following
ENGL 350Studies in African-American Literature4
ENGL 361Contemporary Chicano Literature4
or SPAN 361 Contemporary Chicano Literature
PHIL 260Topics in World Philosophy4
PHIL 355Chinese Philosophy and Culture4
POLS 412Civil Rights Movement4
POLS 418Women and Politics4
PSYC 215The Psychology of Sex and Gender4
PSYC 417Cultural Psychology4
SOC 300Sexuality and Society4
SOC 322Contemporary Issues in Gender Studies4
SOC 360Racial and Ethnic Relations4
Take 3 from this list or from above
CRIM 410Substance Abuse4
PSYC 203Understanding Emotion4
PSYC 304Child and Adolescent Development4
or PSYC 305 Adult Development and Aging
PSYC 345Health Psychology4
PSYC 421Human Cognition4
PSYC 422Child Psychopathology4
Psychobiology Applications
BIOL 121Introduction to Cells and Organisms3
Take 3 from the following:
BIOL 223Human Anatomy4
BIOL 224Human Physiology4
BIOL 331Genetics4
CHEM 151General Chemistry4
PSYC 421Human Cognition4
PSYC 450Sensation and Perception4
Take 2 from the following
BIOL 425Biochemistry4
BIOL 426Molecular Biology4
BIOL 461Vertebrate Physiology4
CHEM 152General Chemistry II4
PSYC 345Health Psychology4
Health & Wellness Applications
PSYC 345Health Psychology4
SOC 321Medical Sociology4
Take 2 from the following
BIOL 223Human Anatomy4
BIOL 224Human Physiology4
EXSC 201Functional Anatomy4
EXSC 202Exercise Physiology4
Take 3 courses from the following
BIOL 121Introduction to Cells and Organisms3
CHEM 151General Chemistry4
EXSC 303Nutrition,3
PHYS 201General Physics I4
PSYC 203Understanding Emotion4
PSYC 304Child and Adolescent Development4
PSYC 305Adult Development and Aging4
PSYC 401Social Psychology4
PSYC 416Human Behavior:principles & Application4
PSYC 417Cultural Psychology4
PSYC 492Internship1-4
Sports Psychology Applications
PSYC 304Child and Adolescent Development4
or PSYC 305 Adult Development and Aging
PSYC 338Sport Psychology4
PSYC 345Health Psychology4
Take 1 from the following
PSYC 203Understanding Emotion4
PSYC 315Principles of Learning and Memory4
PSYC 416Human Behavior:principles & Application4
PSYC 421Human Cognition4
PSYC 450Sensation and Perception4
Take 2 from the following
EXSC 201Functional Anatomy4
EXSC 251Individual & Dual Sports & Activities2
or EXSC 252 Team Sports
EXSC 302Motor Development Across a Life Span3
EXSC 461Exercise Psychology4
EXSC 480Social Psychology of Sport4
EXSC 492Internship1-4


Minor in Psychology

19 credits, 12 credits upper division.

PSYC 200General Psychology4
Three Upper Division Psychology Courses12
Psychology Elective Credits (lower or upper division)3
Total Hours19


Candidates for a California Secondary Teaching Credential should contact the School of Education Office for a complete list of course requirements for a Single Subject Waiver in Social Science.


Lower Division

PSYC 200. General Psychology. (4).

Covers the concepts and principles pertinent to psychological processes as social behavior, development, perception, thinking and symbolic processes, physiology, personality and psychological disorders. Introduces students to the empirical foundation of the discipline of psychology. Prerequisite to all courses in psychology except PSYC 203, Psyc 207 and PSYC 215.

PSYC 203. Understanding Emotion. (4).

This course provides an introduction to the study of emotions. Themes covered include the biological basis of emotions, individual differences in emotionality, emotions in social relationships, cultural understanding of emotions, emotions and psychopathology, and Ganzheitspsychologie. Emphasis on research methodology and ethics is also covered.

PSYC 215. The Psychology of Sex and Gender. (4).

An exploration of research and issues surrounding gender from a psychosocial perspective, with an emphasis on the interaction between biological and social theories. The implications of social roles, status, and gender-related traits on relationships and health that are central to students' daily lives are emphasized throughout. Methodological flaws the may impact the observance of sex differences are also examined.

PSYC 222. Abnormal Psychology. (4).

A survey and critique of traditional diagnostic categories of mental illness, as well as theory and research findings regarding their causes and treatment. Students will be introduced to a variety of approaches, including psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic and biological models. Prerequisite: PSYC 200.

PSYC 282C. ST: (core). (1-4).

Select Topic approved for core.

Upper Division

PSYC 304. Child and Adolescent Development. (4).

Study of theories and principles pertaining to the developmental characteristics of children and adolescents in terms of the physical, mental, emotional and social development of the individual. Meets the gender/ethnic studies requirement.

PSYC 305. Adult Development and Aging. (4).

Study of theories and principles pertaining to the developmental characteristics of adults, including the aged, in terms of the physical, mental, emotional and social development of the individual. Meets the gender/ethnic studies requirement.

PSYC 312. Research Design and Statistics I. (4).

Research Design and Statistics 1 is the first of a two-course sequence in Psychology designed to prepare undergraduate psychology majors to develop the knowledge and skills needed to design, implement and analyze psychological research. This course will introduce students to a variety of research designs and statistical analyses including descriptive statistics, correlation, t-tests, and ANOVA. (Prerequisite: MATH 115 of MATH 151 or equivalent).

PSYC 313. Research Design and Statistics II. (4).

Research Design and Statistics II is the second course in a two-course sequence designed to assist undergraduate psychology majors in developing the knowledge and skills needed to design, implement, analyze, and present psychological research. Building on the skills learned in PSYC 312; students will continue to develop knowledge about psychological research with a focus on correlational, experimental, and quasi-experimental designs. Students will design and implement one or more research projects. The project will culminate in an APA-style research paper and poster presentation. This course is a writing intensive course (Prerequisite: C- or above in PSYC 312).

PSYC 315. Principles of Learning and Memory. (4).

Explorationof the adaptive processes  of learning in organisms including habituation, Classical Conditioning and instrumental conditioning. Additional emphasis on animal learning and memory processes, and animal cognition. Topics are discussed from an empirical foundation.

PSYC 321. Human Cognition. (4).

Examines perception, attention, memory, language and problem solving. In addition to studying research and theory, students experience and observe cognitive processes in computer labs and class demonstrations. Cognitive deficits and rehabilitation are discussed in each topic area.

PSYC 325. Theories of Personality. (4).

The analysis of the theories of personality in terms of structure, dynamics and development. Biological, social and cultural determination of personality are considered, as well as characteristic research and research methods.

PSYC 330. Psychological Assessment. (4).

Studies the principles and practices of group and individual testing in the fields of intelligence, aptitude, achievement, personality and vocational interest. Includes an introduction to the MMPI-2 and Wechsler tests and projective techniques.

PSYC 331. Physiological Psychology. (4).

Studies the physiological aspects of human behavior, with special emphasis on neurological structure and functions as related to sensation, psychopathology, and other psychological processes. Prerequisite: PSYC 200.

PSYC 338. Sport Psychology. (4).

This course is designed to help students both learn theory and then apply practical as well as theoretical information as it relates to the psychology of sports in its various forms. Various mental training skills that can enhance one's athletic performance will also be covered. Some of the areas related to this class that will be explored this semester include stress, motivation, goal-setting, leadership, and imagery. Personality theory, as it relates to athletic competition, as well as competition in the "real world," will also be investigated. The class periods will consist of three components: 1) lecture, 2) discussions, and 3) a period of time during which films and small group exercises will take place.

PSYC 340. History and Systems of Psychology. (4).

An overview of the historical foundations of contemporary psychology, including an examination of major systems of thought and theoretical applications of each in the areas of sensation, perception, learning, motivation, emotion, personality and social behavior.

PSYC 341. Criminal Psychology. (4).

Students examine theory, research, law and case studies to gain an understanding of the behavior of violent offenders. Research into biological, psychological and social causes is examined and evaluated. Additional topics include the role of the forensic psychologist, the science of profiling, and the definitions and use of the insanity defense. (cross-listed with CRIM 341).

PSYC 342. Art and Psychology. (3).

This course is offered in the Art and Psychology departments for those students who are interested in the synergy between art and psychology. It satisfies the CORE 21 Participatory Art requirement. It is especially relevant for students with majors in art or psychology or both who are interested in an MFT/ATR (registered art therapist) graduate program. For all others, the course provides an overview of art history, design, production and aesthetics with an emphasis on psychological theories and current neuroscience research. Child development and family systems are addressed in relation to therapeutic uses of art. Visual thinking and creativity are explored and utilized in the production of self-expressive art works. Cross-listed with ART-342.

PSYC 345. Health Psychology. (4).

Examines the use of behavior therapy procedures in relation to the prevention and treatment of various disorders such as chronic pain, cancer, hypertension, alcoholism, smoking and eating disorders. The use of psychological issues and treatment procedures as they relate to etiology and maintenance of these disorders is emphasized and specialized areas such as clinical behavioral pediatrics, type A behavior and terminal illness are discussed.

PSYC 401. Social Psychology. (4).

Studies the influence of personal, group and social systems on individual attitudes and behavior. Includes socialization, social perception, attraction, aggression, prejudice, conformity, altruism and related topics, as well as the discussion of theories, methods and contemporary research.

PSYC 412. Advanced Research Design and Statistics. (4).

Advanced Research Design and Statistics is a required course for undergraduate psychology majors seeking a bachelor of science degree in psychology. This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to build on their knowledge of correlational and experimental research methodologies and basic approaches to statistical analyses. Taught as a seminar course, students will be required to design and implement an original research project which utilizes a mixed methodological approach. In addition, students will be introduced to the theoretical underpinnings of advanced statistical analyses (Prerequisite: PSYC 313).

PSYC 416. Human Behavior:principles & Application. (4).

Covers the principles and procedures of Applied Behavior Analysis, Classical Conditioning, and Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory as they apply to multiple areas of human behavior. In addition to trying out various behavioral interventions and measures on themselves, students read and discuss current literature in behavior analysis related to the etiology and treatment of behavior disorders, health practices, anxiety disorders, childhood disorders and interpersonal relationships.

PSYC 417. Cultural Psychology. (4).

This course provides a systematic overview of knowledge about cultural organization of human psychological functions, and how psychology as a research discipline can study these functions. Strong theoretical and methodological orientation is included. Prerequisite: PSYC 200.

PSYC 421. Human Cognition. (4).

This course examines cognitive processes in humans. Emphasis is placed on research about perception, attention, memory, language, problem solving, and the means by which this research can be applied to our daily lives. .In addition to studying research and theory, students experience and observe cognitive processes in computer labs and class demonstrations. Cognitive deficits are discussed in many topic areas.

PSYC 422. Child Psychopathology. (4).

This course is designed to give students an introduction to abnormal child psychology. We will study the major disorders typically diagnosed in childhood, including the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria, the current information on the etiology of the disorders, as well as the current research on the most effective assessment and treatment for these disorders.

PSYC 430. Applied Psychology Practicum. (4).

This course involves the application of psychological principles to personal and social problems of everyday life. Topics include positive psychology, problem solving, stress, career development and intimate relationships. Theory is integrated with practical application. Students conduct and present an individual self- change project and complete some hours of community service. Junior or Senior Standing only.

PSYC 435. Counseling and Psychotherapy. (4).

An introduction to the theories, problems and techniques of counseling and therapy. Prerequisites: PSYC 222 and PSYC 325. Junior or Senior Standing Only.

PSYC 450. Sensation and Perception. (4).

Introduction to the basic sensory and perceptual processes of humans with an emphasis on vision and audition.

PSYC 451. Forensic Investigations. (4).

Forensic investigations will familiarize students with the process of criminal and forensic investigations as they relate to the criminal justice process. Students will learn the various applications in criminal investigations which include forensics, interview/interrogation, search and seizure, use of DNA, policies and procedures. We will study the legal aspects of investigations and rules regulating the documentation, collection and analysis of evidence. We will explore the various investigative techniques used to detect, prevent, and study crime and behavior. This is a lecture-based and discussion course, so we will rely upon both audible and visual learning theories. The text will be used during lecture hours, but the reading assignments occur outside of class hours. Supplemental materials will be distributed in class and/or posted upon the class website. There will also be several experiential learning activities outside of the classroom. These will be announced in advance. Cross-listed with CRIM 451. Prerequisite: CRIM 101 or PSYC 200 and junior or senior standing.

PSYC 482. Selected Topic. (4).

PSYC 482C. ST: (core). (1-4).

Select Topic approved fill core requirement.

PSYC 485. Clinical & Social Psychology South Afric. (4).

This course introduces you to South African society and culture through the lenses of social and clinical psychology. South Africa has a unique history and society that presents distinct social, developmental, and clinical experiences that its population shares. Students will learn about the history and society of South Africa in order to better understand its culture and the psychology of its population. In addition, students will study how clinical psychology is practiced in this country in order to address its members mental health needs. This course will focus specifically on the social and relational elements of this country and its mental health practices. Through this process, students will develop cross-cultural competencies and they learn about and experience the unique elements of South African culture and psychology, as well as the universal human foundations that are shared in U.S. society.

PSYC 490. Independent Study. (1-4).

PSYC 492. Internship. (1-4).

(graded P/NC only).

PSYC 494. Clinical Practicum. (4).

This course has two components- a weekly seminar and six hours per week in a field setting working with a client who is mentally ill, intellectually disabled, behaviorally disordered, or individuals with ASD. Under the supervision of the instructor and the clinical staff at their placement, students develop, implement and evaluate a behaviorally based clinical intervention for their client. While the instructor can assist students in finding a placement, students are ultimately responsible for securing one. Prerequisite: PSYC 222 and PSYC 416 or PSY 315; enrollment by permission of the instructor. Junior or Senior Standing Only.Also, PSYC-494 serves as a Capstone for both the BA and the BS in Psychology.

PSYC 495. Research Practicum. (4).

This course offers students the opportunity to design, carry out, and present out their own research study. Students will gain a working knowledge of all aspects of research, which include planning and design of studies, project coordination, administration of measures, data management, and both written and oral presentation of their findings. Prerequisite: PSYC-313 with a minimum grade of B or higher. Junior or Senior Standing Only. By Permission Only.

PSYC 496. Directed Research. (1-3).

By Permission Only.

PSYC 497. Departmental Honors. (4).

By Permission Only.



Rainer Diriwaechter, Ph.D.
(Department Chair)

Marylie Gerson, Ph.D.

Steve Kissinger, Ph.D.

Julie Kuehnel, Ph.D.

Jodie Kocur, Ph.D.

Associate professors

Andrea Sell, Ph.D.

Ariana Young, Ph.D.

Assistant professor

Amanda ElBassiouny, Ph.D.