2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Marketing Communication

The 21st Century business community faces unprecedented challenges in a highly competitive global economy. Industry leaders know that effective communication – particularly marketing communication – will be at the center of every profitable enterprise. California Lutheran University’s multitalented marketing communication graduates currently work as marketing communication department managers, marketing representatives, and trade negotiators for both private corporations and government agencies.

Cal Lutheran’s marketing communication major prepares students for business and trade relations in an international marketplace by introducing them to the latest communication technology and teaching them how to craft effective messages on behalf of companies whose products and services they represent. CLU graduates have gained the ability to research, plan, organize and direct internationally focused marketing campaigns and have acquired the interpersonal skills needed to move into upper management. A mandatory internship enables students to put valuable, real-world experience on their resumes. Cal Lutheran students have interned in marketing communication departments at Amgen, Baja Fresh, J.D. Power & Associates, HBO, Caruso Affiliated Holdings, KZLA-FM and NBC Press and Publicity.

Development of a marketing communication degree was suggested by a business community experiencing difficulties in locating qualified job candidates to head up marketing communication departments – the hub around which production, sales, advertising, marketing and public relations revolve. Industry leaders expressed a specific interest in future employees who could be practical as well as creative; who were equipped with both business savvy and artistic know-how; who were skilled at coordinating the efforts of others, yet capable of coming up with winning market strategies as well.

Benefiting from the input of the corporate community, California Lutheran University was able to offer the first marketing communication degree in the nation. Cal Lutheran graduates are succeeding because of the preparation they receive in managing million-dollar budgets, their proficiency at both oral and written communication, and their ability to produce messages for a wide variety of media.

See Communication and Business for faculty and course descriptions.

Bachelor of Arts in Marketing Communication

42 credits minimum, 24 credits upper division

COMM 101Introduction to Mass Communication4
COMM 231Media Writing4
COMM 351Research Methods4
COMM 375Principles of Marketing4
COMM 490Independent Study1-4
or COMM 492 Internship
COMM 350Communication Theories-Capstone4
BUS 251Principles of Accounting4
or BUS 255 Environment of Business
Select one of the following: 4
COMM 301Persuasive Communication4
COMM 342Principles of Public Relations4
COMM 380Principles of Advertising4
Select one of the following: 4
COMM 331Content Creation for Digital Platforms4
COMM 344Storyboarding4
COMM 348Website Design and Publishing4
COMM 411Sports-Related Marketing4
COMM 442Advertising Campaigns4
COMM 443Event Planning and Management4
COMM 450Public Relations Campaigns4
Select two of the following: 8
BUS 342Marketing Research/Consumer Behavior4
BUS 430Integrated Marketing Communication4
BUS 447Social Marketing4
BUS 473Marketing Management4
BUS 474International Marketing4
BUS 482CST: Select Topic (core)1-4
BUS 485Seminar1-4
or COMM 485 Travel Seminars
COMM 411Sports-Related Marketing4
COMM 412Entertainment Industry Marketing4