2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.


(non major/minor)

Elementary Teachers (Undergraduate)

See Liberal Studies in Education

Prospective elementary school teachers are able to begin their preparation at Cal Lutheran by majoring in Liberal Studies in Education. The program provides students with the educational breadth and depth necessary to enter teacher credentialing programs at the graduate level and eventually teach in today's K-12 classroom. A collaborative endeavor between the College of Arts and Sciences and the Graduate School of Education, the Liberal Studies in Education program requires that students take courses from ten departments including English, Math, Science, History, Philosophy, Physical Education, Music, Art, Theatre Arts and Education. Most of the required courses are designed with the prospective elementary teacher in mind. Students also engage in in-depth study in a selected discipline as part of the program. The Liberal Studies in Education major provides students with approximately 200 hours of field work in local school where students are able to apply skills and strategies acquired in their studies. Our students are introduced to California's Teacher Performance Expectations and leave our program well equipped with the knowledge and experience necessary for success in graduate level teacher education.

Secondary Teachers (Undergraduate)

Prospective secondary school teachers are able to begin their preparation at Cal Lutheran by majoring in the subject matter they want to teach (Math, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, English, Exercise Science, Foreign Languages, Music and Art). The program provides students with the educational breadth and depth necessary to enter teacher credentialing programs at the graduate level and eventually teach in today's 7-12 classroom.

Graduate Programs/Credential Programs

See Graduate School of Education


Department Chair Education Studies

M. McCambridge