2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Master of Public Policy and Administration

For faculty listing, see Personnel.

The Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPPA)

The Master of Public Policy and Administration program is designed to meet the educational needs of management professionals in the public and nonprofit sectors. Its faculty, with a service orientation, is dedicated to the education of the whole person. The student body is excellent and diversified, being composed primarily of individuals who are working in various private, public or nonprofit organizations.

The basic purpose of the Graduate Program in Public Policy and Administration is to provide a broad-based education for individuals who wish to pursue careers in administration or policy making in a variety of public service positions. Program emphasis is on state and local policy issues. The program is designed to provide each student with:

  1. A knowledge and understanding of administrative organizations and legal processes affecting public policy decision-making;
  2. The ability to identify those human and ethical values that should underlie the work of a public administrator;
  3. An understanding of the proper relationship between public administration and the citizenry;
  4. The capability of developing a sound social strategy;
  5. The ability to perform effectively in a leadership role under a variety of conditions; and
  6. The competency to conduct and present research relevant to public policy and administration.

Requirements for the Master of Public Policy and Administration

(39 Credits)

Public Policy and Administration Core (15 credits)
PA 550Research Methods3
PA 568Ethics in Public Policy & Adm3
PA 593Public Administration Theory3
PA 595Implement & Analysis Public Policy3
PA 598Law and Public Policy3
Elective Courses (21 Credits)
Select four of the following plus either thesis/capstone project 1
Public Administration and Public Policy
Public Policy Seminar
Local Economic Development
Strategic Planning
Sacramento Institute
Communication Skills Public Adm
Public Budgeting
Inter-Governmental Relations
Human Resource Management
Organizational Theory and Development
Civic Engagement
Non-Profit Management
Negotiation and Conflict Management
Selected Topics
Independent Study
Urban Policy and Planning
Communication for Management
Organizational Dynamics
Leadership and Managerial Effectivenss
Mgmt Concepts for Information Technology (Thesis or Capstone Project)
Thesis or Capstone Project
PA 599AThesis3
or PA 599 Capstone Project

With the approval of the program director.

Note: Students may take up to 6 credits from any other graduate program.

Completion Requirements

  1. Thesis or Capstone Project (3 credits). Credit will be counted toward 15 credits of elective courses.
  2. Internship (no credit).

Candidates for the MPPA degree without two or more years of public or nonprofit sector experience are required to complete an internship in public administration. The internship normally involves at least 100 hours of supervised work experience in an approved position. This requirement may be waived under certain circumstances.

Students may, with the approval of the program director, program dean and the university registrar, transfer relevant graduate level courses taken in allied graduate programs (e.g., MBA) at this or other regionally accredited universities.


PA 500. American Foundations. (3).

This course is a prerequisite for foreign students entering the MPPA program. It is designed to prepare students and enhance their knowledge about American policy and administration and their skills for graduate study in the program. Credits for this class do not count towards the required 39 credits for the degree.

PA 501. Public Administration and Public Policy. (3).

Study of theories of administration and public policy to assist students in preparing for the MPPA comprehensive examinations.

PA 502. Public Policy Seminar. (3).

Small group tutorial experience designed for in-depth exploration of a topic or problem.

PA 505. Local Economic Development. (3).

This seminar examines strategies employed in the pursuit of state and local economic development. It emphasizes practical application and implementation of economic concepts and strategies which address the challenges of competitiveness, growth, sustainability, and community revitalization.

PA 507. Strategic Planning. (3).

This course provides an understanding and application of strategic planning and performance measurements in the public and non-profit sectors. It emphasizes the practical application of economic concepts and planning tools which address the challenges of competitiveness, growth, sustainability, and community revitalization.

PA 508. Sacramento Institute. (3).

The course provides a multi-perspective examination of policy development processes through first hand observation of the policy process. Students travel to Sacramento for a four-day seminar at the State Capital and interact with lawmakers, lobbyists, media, legislative analysts, regulators, political consultants and executive branch officials.

PA 510. Leadership. (3).

The course is designed to develop a set of core competencies and improve leadership practices. Topics covered include the historical development of leadership theories, communication, strategic analysis, leadership styles, organizational structure, and teambuilding.

PA 512. Communication Skills Public Adm. (3).

The course is intended to prepare students to think strategically about communication and to improve writing, presentation and interpersonal communication skills within a managerial setting. Professional and interpersonal dialogue and group communications will be explored. Managerial writing, public speaking, positive self-presentation and techniques for effective meetings will also be covered.

PA 550. Research Methods. (3).

Study of current methods of conducting research in public administration. On-Line Course.

PA 554. Public Budgeting. (3).

Public budget planning, formulation, analysis, and implementation. The fiscal role of government. The problems of revenue and expenditure planning, administration and control.

PA 556. Inter-Governmental Relations. (3).

An analysis of the problems, practices and decisions relating to the management and financing of inter-governmental projects and policies.

PA 562. Human Resource Management. (3).

Governmental personnel systems. Policies for classification, compensation, training and advancement. Public employee unionization. Developing strategies for collective negotiations in public organizations.

PA 565. Organizational Theory and Development. (3).

Organization, leadership and decision theory, and contemporary developments in management and behavioral sciences are emphasized.

PA 568. Ethics in Public Policy & Adm. (3).

An examination of moral issues which arise within a public organization, e.g., privacy, obligation to obey the law, government responsibility, etc.

PA 570. Civic Engagement. (3).

Examination of the forms and processes of civic engagement in contemporary settings of public and government. The class focuses on the organization and expression of public interests, and explores the means by which they are mediated and coped with by governing authorities.

PA 571. Non-Profit Management. (3).

The course is designed to introduce students to both principles and practices of management for nonprofit organizations. In addition to a survey of important issues facing the nonprofit sector and best practices, course topics will include governance, strategic planning, marketing, advocacy, public-private partnerships and fundraising.

PA 577. Negotiation and Conflict Management. (3).

This course is designed to explore the major concepts and theories of the negotiation process. Special emphasis will be given to the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and resolution. Topics addressed include interpersonal influence techniques plus tactics and strategies involved with improved bargaining and negotiation. Students will learn key negotiation skills through an interactive experience that includes case studies, readings, videos and role-plays. Students will focus on the development of effective negotiation strategies and tactics. The course is designed to be relevant to the broad spectrum of negotiation challenges traditionally encountered by managers in business. (cross-listed with BUS 577).

PA 582. Selected Topics. (3).

Topics of current and particular interest or concern in public administration, e.g., arbitration and collective bargaining, criminal justice policy, environmental policy and public healthcare policy.

PA 585. Travel Seminar: Ecuador. (3).

This is a travel seminar, meaning that a majority of the time will be spent outside of the classroom and in non-traditional settings. However, there will be classroom led discussion and instruction from both the faculty, in addition to instruction from other experts from our collaborator/ Nonprofit partner based in Quito, Ecuador. This is a three credit course.

PA 590. Independent Study. (1-4).

PA 593. Public Administration Theory. (3).

The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the evolution of Public Administration (PA) as a field, the current debates/ trends in the field and how thinking in this field has evolved. Students will also get a thorough understanding of the role of PA in a democratic society, the tensions in politics vs administration. On-Line Course.

PA 595. Implement & Analysis Public Policy. (3).

Examines how public policy is implemented and analyzed. Overview of change theory, systems analysis, and decision-making paradigms; concepts such as strategic planning, quality management, benchmarking and team building are addressed. On-Line Course.

PA 596. Urban Policy and Planning. (3).

This course is designed to introduce students to the field of land use planning. It is intended to prepare students to make organizational decisions that will require a base of knowledge in urban planning concepts and policies, yet the course should interest any citizen concerned with how land use decisions impact their quality of life. Appropriately then, the focus of instruction will be on issues currently affecting Ventura County and its local municipalities - a lack of affordable housing, a displaced work force, and attempts to implement policies of smart growth and sustainability.

PA 598. Law and Public Policy. (3).

An analysis of the impact of court and legislative decisions on public policy, with particular emphasis on public institutions; how to conduct legal research; examining how public policy is shaped by law. Emphasis on researching and analyzing legal documents and appellate opinions pertinent to public policy. Topics include: employment discrimination; managerial liability for negligence in hiring, training, supervision, etc.; civil rights violations; employee rights in the workplace; and more.

PA 599. Capstone Project. (3).

The capstone project follows a more practical andhands on model, which would benefit students in two ways : a. Help them work on a real-world problem, while utilizing some of the theories and other concepts that they have used in class b. Help build professional networks in the organizations they will work at, during their capstone projects. The organizations chosen for the capstone projects will be locally based ones - either government or nonprofits - that will work closely with faculty members and help students grapple with a real issue that is confronting the said organization.

PA 599A. Thesis. (3).

PA 599B. Project. (3).


Dean - School of Management

Gerhard Apfelthaler

Program Director

Malcolm Oliver

Assistant professors

Linda-Marie Sundstrom

Andrew Pattison