2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2022-2023 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Doctorate in Clinical Psychology

Mission Statement

The PsyD program in Clinical Psychology is grounded in the practitioner-scholar model with training that underscores the integration of theory and research. The program teaches a variety of theoretical perspectives, emphasizing a developmental understanding of human behavior. The program seeks to establish strong foundations for critical thinking. A commitment to ethical principles, with an appreciation of issues of diversity, service, and social justice is a core component of the program.

Educational Objectives

1.        To develop clinical skills that are founded on the integration of practice and research

                a. Students will understand the scientific research behind psychological assessment and

                    develop skills in assessment

                b. Students will develop skills in diagnosis and clinical conceptualization

                c. Students will understand and apply evidence-based practices for a wide range of

                    psychological problems

                d. Students will exemplify professional values, attitudes, and behavior including

                    reflective practice

                e. Students will gain knowledge of and skills in applying ethical and legal issues in

                    the practice of psychology

                f.  Students will learn proficiency in relationships       

2.       To develop competence in research and scholarship

                a. Students will understand the scientific foundations of the broad and general areas

                    of psychology

                b. Students will appreciate and develop skills in science and research

3.       To instill an appreciation of human diversity by serving the underserved

                a. Students will gain competency in cross-cultural psychology, including personal awareness,

                    knowledge of cultural factors, and skills in culturally-sensitive psychological services

                b. Students will build skills in client advocacy

Program Philosophy

The educational model of the PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology at Cal Lutheran is based on the practitioner-scholar model, which was developed for professional schools that were focused on training clinicians and awarded the PsyD degree (Nelson & Messenger, 2003).  This training model places particular emphasis on the clinical aspects of professional work while retaining the rigorous and prudent standards for knowing and utilizing the extant research.  In addition to maintaining the standards of the practitioner-scholar model, our program is unique in that we place further emphasis on and training in research.

The foundation of Cal Lutheran’s PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology is built upon the deliberate integration of research and clinical practice. As an institution, Cal Lutheran has adopted three Core Commitments that guide its mission and are manifest in the vision for advanced training in clinical psychology. Liberal Learning encompasses the critical thinking that is essential for psychologists to be effective in all domains of their work while preparing for life-long learning.  Professional Preparation is exemplified by integrating the theoretical, research, and practical frameworks for students to excel as skillful clinicians. Finally, students who will become exceptional citizens and leaders of their communities for psychological good through their work with the underserved will understand the university’s focus on Character and Leadership Development. The PsyD Program in Clinical Psychology will prepare students to become licensed clinical psychologists and will have a distinctive emphasis on understanding how research contributes to and informs clinical practice. 

To these ends, the PsyD program has three goals:

1. To develop clinical skills that are founded on the integration of practice and research

2. To develop competence in research and scholarship

3. To instill an appreciation of human diversity by serving the underserved

This approach to clinical training demonstrates the program’s emphasis beyond the broad and general foundations of psychology to embrace the fundamental characteristic of evidence-based clinical practice: integration. We aim to ensure that our students are sufficiently knowledgeable about different approaches and change principles so that they can make informed judgments regarding which approach is effective for particular sets of problems with certain clinical populations having specific cultural characteristics. That is, clinicians must be flexible, knowing what works for whom through an integration of the best available research, the client’s contextual background and preferences, and clinical judgment. The PsyD Program at California Lutheran University is proud to offer a contemporary, integrated model of professional psychology designed to further the science of behavior and uplift the human condition.

Admission Requirements

Students with a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related major and students with a master’s degree in psychology or a related major may apply. Students will need to demonstrate their abilities to succeed in a doctoral-level program through GPA, GRE scores, research experience, and experience in the field. Students will also need to have well-developed writing skills. In addition, students need to demonstrate potential as clinicians by their abilities to engage with and develop interpersonal relationships. The need to target and enroll students from diverse backgrounds will be a priority in recruiting. Ventura County has a strong need for clinical psychologists who are bilingual in English and Spanish and efforts will be made to target potential students who are fluent in both languages. Addressing diversity has been a priority at Cal Lutheran and will be a priority in the PsyD program as well.

The Priority deadline for the following fall semester is December 1st.  Applications received after the December 1st deadline will be considered if there is still space available in the cohort.

The PsyD program will consider students when the following requirements have been met:

  1. Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
  2. Overall cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better or overall cumulative graduate school GPA of 3.5 or better as stated on degree posted transcript.
  3. GRE General Exam - The general test for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required. The test should be taken within the past 5 years. 50th percentile or higher on the Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing scales is preferred. The psychology subject test of the GRE is recommended but not required.
  4. Applicants are required to have at least 3 credit hours of statistics and an additional 12 credit hours of undergraduate or graduate psychology courses.  Courses must have been completed within the last 7 years. Grades of B- or higher are required for all pre-requisites. 
  5. Official transcripts.
  6. Personal statement: Essay stating how the PsyD Program's philosophy fits with the applicant's goals for pursuing a doctoral degree.
  7. Clinical Experience Form
  8. Research Experience Form
  9. Completed application and application fee
  10. Two letters of recommendation
  11. Interview (for those invited)
  12. Writing sample (completed at interview)

International students must provide the following:

  1. TOEFL score of at least 600
  2. Proof of financial sponsorship
  3. Financial statements

Comprehensive Evaluation of Professional Competencies

  • http://www.ccptp.org/cctc-guidelines-for-the-comprehensive-evaluation-of-student-competence
  • Students and trainees in professional psychology programs (at the doctoral, internship, or postdoctoral level) should know—prior to program entry, and at the outset of training—that faculty, training staff, supervisors, and administrators have a professional, ethical, and potentially legal obligation to: (a) establish criteria and methods through which aspects of competence other than, and in addition to, a student-trainee's knowledge or skills may be assessed (including, but not limited to, emotional stability and well being, interpersonal skills, professional development, and personal fitness for practice); and, (b) ensure—insofar as possible—that the student-trainees who complete their programs are competent to manage future relationships (e.g., client, collegial, professional, public, scholarly, supervisory, teaching) in an effective and appropriate manner.  Because of this commitment, and within the parameters of their administrative authority, professional psychology education and training programs, faculty, training staff, supervisors, and administrators strive not to advance, recommend, or graduate students or trainees with demonstrable problems (e.g., cognitive, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, technical, and ethical) that may interfere with professional competence to other programs, the profession, employers, or the public at large.
  • As such, within a developmental framework, and with due regard for the inherent power difference between students and faculty, students and trainees should know that their faculty, training staff, and supervisors will evaluate their competence in areas other than, and in addition to, coursework, seminars, scholarship, comprehensive examinations, or related program requirements. These evaluative areas include, but are not limited to, demonstration of sufficient: (a) interpersonal and professional competence (e.g., the ways in which student-trainees relate to clients, peers, faculty, allied professionals, the public, and individuals from diverse backgrounds or histories); (b) self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-evaluation (e.g., knowledge of the content and potential impact of one's own beliefs and values on clients, peers, faculty, allied professionals, the public, and individuals from diverse backgrounds or histories); (c) openness to processes of supervision (e.g., the ability and willingness to explore issues that either interfere with the appropriate provision of care or impede professional development or functioning); and (d) resolution of issues or problems that interfere with professional development or functioning in a satisfactory manner (e.g., by responding constructively to feedback from supervisors or program faculty; by the successful completion of remediation plans; by participating in personal therapy in order to resolve issues or problems).
  • This policy is applicable to settings and contexts in which evaluation would appropriately occur (e.g., coursework, practica, supervision), rather than settings and contexts that are unrelated to the formal process of education and training (e.g., non-academic, social contexts). However, irrespective of setting or context, when a student-trainee’s conduct clearly and demonstrably (a) impacts the performance, development, or functioning of the student-trainee, (b) raises questions of an ethical nature, (c) represents a risk to public safety, or (d) damages the representation of psychology to the profession or public, appropriate representatives of the program may review such conduct within the context of the program’s evaluation processes.
  • Although the purpose of this policy is to inform students and trainees that evaluation will occur in these areas, it should also be emphasized that a program's evaluation processes and content should typically include: (a) information regarding evaluation processes and standards (e.g., procedures should be consistent and content verifiable); (b) information regarding the primary purpose of evaluation (e.g., to facilitate student or trainee development; to enhance self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-assessment; to emphasize strengths as well as areas for improvement; to assist in the development of remediation plans when necessary); (c) more than one source of information regarding the evaluative area(s) in question (e.g., across supervisors and settings); and (d) opportunities for remediation, provided that faculty, training staff, or supervisors conclude that satisfactory remediation is possible for a given student-trainee. Finally, the criteria, methods, and processes through which student-trainees will be evaluated should be clearly specified in a program's handbook, which should also include information regarding due process policies and procedures (e.g., including, but not limited to, review of a program's evaluation processes and decisions).

Program Probation and Dismissal

  • Program probation occurs when the student incurs concerns about professional performance or otherwise shows deficiencies in the stated program competencies (please see the section titled, “Competencies Paradigm in Doctoral Education” above). Prior to being placed on program probation, students will be reviewed by the core faculty of the PsyD program, who will determine an appropriate remediation plan in consultation with appropriate administrators. The remediation plan for the student will identify the specific program competency or competencies that need improvement and will articulate a path forward that will help the student be successful. The plan will include a.) a description of the problem and means by which it was communicated to the student, b.) the stated duration of the probationary period, c.) the responsibilities of the student, d.) the responsibilities of the program, and e.) the method of evaluation at the end of the probationary period. Students who are unable or unwilling to follow their remediation plan may be dismissed from the program.
  • While program probation can occur whenever there is a concern about student readiness for the profession (please see “Statement of Comprehensive Evaluation of Professional Competencies” above), the following is a non-exhaustive list of circumstances that may automatically trigger program probation:
    • The student fails the Written Competency Exam (Multiple Choice portion) twice.
    • The student fails the Clinical Competency Exam (Vignette portion) once.
    • Academic, professional, or clinical deficiencies in any of the program competencies as noted by the faculty, staff, or supervisors.
    • The student engages in behavior that violates any of the rules or guidelines of the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct or California Lutheran University’s Standards of Conduct (see links above under “Student Roles and Responsibilities”; the perceived severity of the offense is at the discretion of the faculty and associated university administrators and can determine whether the student receives probation or dismissal).
  • Similar to the policies around program probation, academic dismissal can occur whenever the student incurs serious or repeated concerns regarding their fitness for the profession. Some examples of circumstances that can result in dismissal from the program include but are not limited to:
    • The student does not pass the Clinical Competency Exam (Vignette portion) after two attempts.
    • The student does not pass the Written Competency Exam (Multiple Choice portion) after three attempts.
    • The student is unable or unwilling to follow a remediation plan or is unable to demonstrate sufficient improvement on a remediation plan.
    • The student engages in unlawful behavior or violates any of the rules or guidelines of the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct or California Lutheran University’s Standards of Conduct (see links above under “Student Roles and Responsibilities”; the perceived severity of the offense is at the discretion of the faculty and associated university administrators and can determine whether the student receives probation or dismissal). All issues and decisions related to student misconduct as defined by the CLU Student Handbook or other unlawful behavior is handled by the CLU Student Conduct System under the auspices of Student Life. The full description of the definitions, processes, and potential outcomes can be found at: http://www.callutheran.edu/students/student- conduct/student-handbook.html

Requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Psychology

The PsyD in Clinical Psychology curriculum includes sequential research courses, practicum experience and an internship in the field:

  • Five-year program with a traditional semester format
  • 114 course credits required
  • Three areas of focus:
    • o Six core courses
    • o Research
    • o Practical skill development courses
  • Includes three years of practicum training
  • One year of internship (one year of internal practicum at Cal Lutheran's on-site Community Counseling Services and two years of external practica)
  • Clinical Competency Exam
  • Dissertation

Note: When students who are enrolled in the PsyD program successfully complete the requirements for the first two years of the program and take a Master's level competency exam, they will be awarded a Master's Degree in Advanced Clinical Psychology.

Course Requirements

First YearHours
PSYD 7011
PSYD 7021
PSYD 7053
PSYD 7063
PSYD 7111
PSYD 7121
PSYD 7163
PSYD 7402
PSYD 7412
PSYD 7453
PSYD 7623
PSYD 7633
PSYD 7802
Second YearHours
PSYD 7031
PSYD 7041
PSYD 7131
PSYD 7141
PSYD 7173
PSYD 7183
PSYD 7212
PSYD 7222
PSYD 7280
PSYD 7291
PSYD 7432
PSYD 7503
PSYD 7513
PSYD 7703
PSYD 7713
Third YearHours
PSYD 7193
PSYD 7232
PSYD 7242
PSYD 7311
PSYD 7321
PSYD 7462
PSYD 7523
PSYD 7532
PSYD 7612
PSYD 7813
PSYD 7823
PSYD 7921-4
PSYD 7723
Fourth YearHours
PSYD 7252
PSYD 7262
PSYD 7331
PSYD 7341
PSYD 7472
PSYD 7542
PSYD 7553
PSYD 7912
PSYD 7921-4
PSYD 7921-4
Fifth YearHours
PSYD 795.5-3
PSYD 7960.5-3
Total credit hours: 103-117
List of Electives:
PSYD 756Intro to Dialectical Behavior Therapy3
PSYD 757Intro Dialectic Behavior Therapy: Skills3
PSYD 758Methods Suicide Risk Assemnt & Mgmt3
PSYD 7833
PSYD 7843
PSYD 7903
PSYD 792Advanced Topics3


PSYD 701. Research Seminar 1. (1).

Throughout the first two years of the program, five to seven students work with a faculty member who mentors student research. The class will introduce various research methodologies used in clinical psychology and assist students in exploring their research interests.

PSYD 702. Research Seminar 2. (1).

A continuation of PSYD-701, this course will focus on introducing students to various research tools and strategies as students develop their research projects. Specific attention will be given to developing the literature review. It is expected that students will complete their literature reviews over the summer. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 703. Research Seminar 3. (1).

A continuation of PSYD-702, this course assists students in becoming familiar with completing IRB forms, developing the methodology sections of their research projects, and examining the ethics of research and data collection. By the completion of this course, students are expected to have a completed proposal and be ready for data collection. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 704. Research Seminar 4. (1).

A continuation of PSYD-703, this course focuses on the completion of the dissertation proposal, including the methodology and data analytic strategies. By completion of this course, students are expected to have successfully defended their dissertation proposal. Pre-requisite: PSYD-703.

PSYD 705. Research Methods. (3).

This course examines both quantitative and qualitative research designs most frequently used in psychological and social science research. Special attention will be given to understanding experimental designs, group comparisons, case studies, survey research, psychometric studies, grounded theory, and meta-analyses.  Students will learn to distinguish the nature of designs that enable casual inferences from those that do not, evaluate the appropriateness of conclusions derived from psychological research, and articulate strengths and limitations of various research designs. Aspects of individual and cultural diversity will also be covered as well as the ethics related to protecting human participants in research.

PSYD 706. Statistics and Data Analysis. (3).

This course examines quantitative research designs including experimental, quasi-experimental, multivariate, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. In addition, students will gain experience using SPSS for analysis of variance and covariance, simple effects analysis, factorial designs and multivariate analysis of variance.

PSYD 711. Colloquia 1. (1).

Professionals in the mental health field will conduct presentations on a wide range of issues that are relevant to careers in psychology. By drawing on local resources, the colloquia series addresses issues that are particularly applicable to our neighboring communities. The colloquia also include formal clinical case presentations from students, faculty and invited guests. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 712. Colloquia 2. (1).

Continuation of PSYD 711 Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 713. Colloquia 3. (1).

Continuation of PSYD 712. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 714. Colloquia 4. (1).

Continuation of PSYD 713. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 716. Biological Aspects of Behavior. (3).

This course examines brain-behavior relationships. An emphasis is placed on understanding neuropsychological functions, physiological mechanisms and biochemical processes.

PSYD 717. Human Development. (3).

This course examines theory and research related to lifespan development. Clinical application of course material will be emphasized.

PSYD 718. Cognitive-Affective Aspects of Behavior. (3).

This course examines current theory and research in human cognitive and affective. The impact of cognitive and affective processes on the individual are studied and applied to clinical material.

PSYD 719. Social Psychology. (3).

This course examines the social and cultural bases of human behavior by examining relevant theory and research. Consideration is given to the ethnic/cultural issues that impact clinical practice.

PSYD 721. Practicum 1. (2).

The Practicum is structured to provide clinical experience in conducting psychotherapy. Students provide psychotherapy services to clients at the Community Counseling and Parent Child Study Center under the close supervision of licensed clinicians who are part of the Psy.D. program's clinical faculty. In addition to direct face-to-face contact and supervision, the practicum also provides supervised training in assessment, using standard test batteries that include intelligence tests, projective tests and self-report inventories. In practicum, students acquire the skills to present test findings to their clients and integrate assessment into their clinical practice.

PSYD 722. Practicum 2. (2).

Continuation of PSYD 721.

PSYD 723. Practicum 3. (2).

Continuation of PSYD 722.

PSYD 724. Practicum 4. (2).

Continuation of PSYD 723.

PSYD 725. Practicum 5. (2).

Continuation of PSYD 724.

PSYD 726. Practicum 6. (2).

Continuation of PSYD 725.

PSYD 728. Case Conference 1. (0).

As part of this yearlong seminar, students present information from clinical intakes that they are conducting as part of their practicum, as well as information on ongoing treatments, to a small group of peers and supervisors. The case conference gives each student the opportunity to develop skills in discussing presenting problems, diagnostic impressions, psychodynamic case formulation and treatment planning.

PSYD 729. Case Conference 2. (1).

Continuation of PSYD 728.

PSYD 731. Dissertation Research Seminar 1. (1).

This course is designed for five to seven students led by a faculty member who will mentor students through the dissertation project process. Students will support one another by acting as peer mentors in the course as dissertation proposals are explored. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 732. Dissertation Research Seminar 2. (1).

A continuation of PSYD-731, this course continues to provide support for students as they actively develop their dissertation projects. At the conclusion of this course, students are expected to have completed their proposals, chosen a dissertation committee, and successfully defended their proposals. They should be ready for data collection and analysis over the summer. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 733. Dissertation Research Seminar 3. (1).

A continuation of PSYD-732, this course supports students as they analyze data and begin to write the results chapter of their dissertation projects. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 734. Dissertation Research Seminar 4. (1).

A continuation of PSYD-733, this course provides support for students as they complete their dissertation projects. In addition, students explore various methods of presenting their research including journal articles, conferences and community forums. Students are expected to complete their final defense by the conclusion of this course and are encouraged to present and publish their work. Course offered as Pass/Fail.

PSYD 735. Dissertation Supervision. (2).

This course is intended for students who have not completed their dissertations within the first four years of coursework and who require additional supervision.

PSYD 740. Diagnostic Interviewing. (2).

Diagnostic and therapeutic interviewing skills are essential for a clinician. In this course, students will develop techniques for conducting diagnostic interviews of clients with a range of symptoms and psychological disorders. The course involves hands-on interviewing exercises and a review of etiological and treatment issues specific to psychological disorders, such as anxiety, depression and eating disorder. Includes interviewing strategies that focus on symptoms, behaviors and dynamics that are specific to each disorder.

PSYD 741. Basic Attending Skills. (2).

This course examines one of the basic skills necessary for effective psychotherapy - the development of listening skills. The course explores concepts such as empathy, sympathy, reassurance, the importance of process versus content, and the importance of examining obstacles that interfere with a therapist's basic listening skills, including countertransference.

PSYD 743. Child and Adolescent Interventions. (2).

This course will examine specific treatment strategies for psychotherapy from the approaches of psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and family systems theories. Students will learn how to organize their clinical interventions according to these psychotherapeutic models and how to direct their treatment goals accordingly.

PSYD 745. ABA and CBT Interventions. (3).

This course examines the conceptual foundations underlying behavioral and cognitive approaches to assessment and treatment. The principles and techniques of applied behavioral analysis and cognitive behavioral therapy will be reviewed. In addition, relevant outcome research will be presented to support the use of these therapies with specific populations.

PSYD 746. Couples and Family Therapy. (2).

This is an advanced course on the study of conjoint therapy with couples and families. A number of theoretical perspectives and related clinical techniques will be studied including cognitive-behavioral, system theory and psychodynamic approaches. The intervention techniques can be applied with pre-marital couples for couple enrichment and as part of psychotherapy with distressed couples. Interventions will be taught for dealing with a variety of marital and divorce issues, e.g., dual-career, multicultural/multinational, domestic violence, alcoholism and remarriage. Instruction is through lecture, discussions, role-playing and video. Students will complete a course project either through a practicum experience or some other applied experience developed with the instructor.

PSYD 747. Group Psychotherapy. (2).

This course is designed to help students learn about group theory and the practice of group psychotherapy. Students acquire information and skills on different types of psychotherapy groups, including inpatient and outpatient groups, as well as psycho-educational groups, symptom-focused groups (e.g., eating disorder group), and others. The course examines the value, as well as the potential for iatrogenic effects, of group work as it is impacted by diagnostic categories, age populations and other relevant factors.

PSYD 750. Child and Adolescent Disorders. (3).

This course will integrate psychological and neuroscientific research on child and adolescent development with issues of learning disabilities, behavioral and impulse disorders, addictions and other psychopathologies. The student will understand how psychological, social, cultural and biological factors influence the problems and disorders experienced by children and adolescents.

PSYD 751. Psychodynamic Treatment of PersonalityýDisorders. (3).

This course will provide an introduction and overview of personality disorders and their corresponding treatment interventions from a psychodynamic theoretical perspective. Students will learn DSM criteria for diagnoses of personality disorders while developing a psychodynamically-informed understandingof personality formation and pathology. The course will include an emphasis on the evidence-base both within psychodynamic theory and practice and across the various personality disorders and their treatments.

PSYD 752. Mood and Anxiety Disorders. (3).

This course provides an in-depth examination of mood disorders (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymia) and anxiety disorders (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobia, panic disorders). The course examines the etiology and course of the disorders from multiple perspectives. In addition, the course requires a critical review of psychotherapeutic interventions that have been proven effective from a variety of theoretical and treatment modalities. The most current approaches to assessment are reviewed.

PSYD 753. Gender and Sexual Disorders. (2).

This course will explore gender and sexual disorders from multiple perspectives including historical, object relational, attachment, cognitive, behavioral, systems, biological and social. Diagnostic criteria and etiology will be examined while considering the influence of culture and societal values. Multiple treatment approaches and interventions will be examined as found in relevant research. Students will explore their own sexual attitudes and develop an awareness of and comfort with the complexities of human sexuality.

PSYD 754. Substance Abuse. (2).

The course examines the major theories addressing substance abuse. Students will understand substance abuse from a variety of theoretical frameworks(including psychoanalytic, behavioral, humanistic and social learning theory), as well as findings from neuroscience. The course emphasizes a developmental perspective in the understanding of this issue.

PSYD 755. Schizophrenia & Other Cognitive Disorder. (3).

This course examines major theories on the etiology of schizophrenia and other cognitive disorders and their symptomatic manifestations. The course includes a historical overview of the disorders as well as recent findings from the fields of biology and neuroscience. The course also includes a review of medications and the neural pathways by which psychotropic medications are thought to affect thought disorders.

PSYD 756. Intro to Dialectical Behavior Therapy. (3).

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive and flexible cognitive-behavioral intervention combining change strategies and acceptance strategies that are commonly encountered in many successful interventions for mental health problems. Through DBT one learns behavioral assessment and strategies, acceptance and validation, communication and case management strategies, problem solving and crisis management and many other principles and techniques that are widely used throughout psychological services.

PSYD 757. Intro Dialectic Behavior Therapy: Skills. (3).

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive and flexible cognitive-behavioral intervention combining change strategies and acceptance strategies that are commonly encountered in many successful interventions for mental health problems. Through DBT one learns behavioral assessment and strategies, acceptance and validation, communication and case management strategies, problem solving and crisis management and many other principles and techniques that are widely used throughout psychological services.

PSYD 758. Methods Suicide Risk Assemnt & Mgmt. (3).

Students in this course will learn the risk factors predictive of suicide, gain familiarity with research examining the function of suicide, become proficient in conducting suicide risk assessments, learn principles of crisis intervention, and become proficient at conducting crisis interventions in a variety of clinical scenarios.

PSYD 761. Professional Seminar. (2).

The purpose of this course is to assist students in the development of a professional identity. Students will investigate the various roles of clinical psychologists. They will examine practice issues in light of relevant ethical and legal issues. Each student will develop a plan for transitioning from student to professional.

PSYD 762. Test and Measurement. (3).

This course introduces students to test theory and the psychometric properties of tests. Controversies and ethical issues in assessment are explored from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective. Particular attention is given to potential test biases and the potential misuse of testing in clinical psychology.

PSYD 763. Ethics. (3).

This course is designed to explore the advanced legal and ethical issues for professional psychology. Students will examine and discuss complex and controversial legal and ethical issues as they pertain to clinical practice and research. Students will be expected to demonstrate a good working knowledge of many legal and ethical concepts and to demonstrate their ability to offer a critical analysis of the professional literature. Classroom discussion is an essential part of this course and students are expected to come to each meeting prepared to ask questions and debate topics. Several take-home assignments and a final exam will also be used to assess grades.

PSYD 770. Adult Cognitive Assessment. (3).

This course is designed to provide Doctoral students with training in the administration, scoring, scoring and interpretation of cognitive assessment measures commonly used with adults. Issues relating to the appropriate use of intelligence tests, theories of intelligence, ethical test use, testing culturally diverse populations, integration of data, and effective report writing will be addressed. Prerequisite: PSYD 762.

PSYD 771. Assessment: Personality. (3).

This course is designed to provide graduate level students with training in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of personality measures including projective drawings, sentence completion, Thematic Apperception Test (TAT, CAT, RAT), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2, MMPI-A), Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III), California Personality Inventory-R (CPI-R), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), and the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). In addition, other measures of personality assessment will be reviewed. Issues relating to the appropriate use of personality measures, theories of personality, ethical test use, testing culturally diverse populations, integration of data and effective report writing will be addressed.

PSYD 772. Assessment of Children. (3).

This course is designed to provide doctoral students with training in the administration, scoring and interpretation of the current editions of widely utilized measures of cognitive assessment, academic achievement, and behavior rating scales in the psychological assessment of children. Issues relating to the appropriate use of tests, theories of intelligence, ethical test use, testing culturally diverse populations, integration of data and effective report writing will be addressed. Prerequisite: PSYD-752.

PSYD 777. Introduction to Mindfulness. (3).

During the past 30 years, the eastern traditions of meditation and mindfulness have been increasingly and systematically integrated into western medicine and psychotherapy. The practice of meditation has improved recovery rates from severe physical illness, improved pain management, reduced relapse rate for depression and improved general attention, concentration and overall well-being in clinical and non-clinical populations. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a theoretical background and understanding of traditional Zen practice, review the empirical literature that has integrated eastern practices in psychotheraphy and to gain experience in the practice of mindfulness meditation.

PSYD 780. A History of Psychology. (2).

The intention in this course is to guide the student to understand Western psychological science through its history, and through the histories of the societies in Europe and North America within which that science has been embedded. The goal is to have the student become aware that today's psychology is not just a discipline of the 20th/21st century; rather that its roots lie within "long-forgotten" texts that still influence our thoughts today. By the end of this course students will have learned the major philosophical perspectives governing the various schools of psychology and be able to draw more solid connections from past to present. Students will furthermore come to understand contextual relevance and most importantly learn ways to approach research through guiding theory. In the end, it should become clear to students why ignoring the legacy of their intellectual ancestors would be a grave mistake; the great dinosaurs from the old schools of psychology are still able to teach us 'modern' psychologists plentiful.

PSYD 781. Consultation/Supervision. (3).

This course examines the role of psychologists as consultants and as supervisors. Theories of consulting and supervising will be presented, as well as experiential exercises. Students will consider the roles of consultant and supervisor from developmental perspectives.

PSYD 782. Multicultural Psychology. (3).

This course exposes students to the field of multicultural psychology, which includes science, theory, and practice related to multiple aspects of diversity and identity. Students will learn the historical progression of the science of stereotyping and prejudice as well as the models that describe identity development relevant to social categories. Students will also study the psychological consequences of oppression and learn how to incorporate cultural and contextual factors into assessment, case conceptualization, and treatment planning. Parts of this course will involve experiential exercises and writing assignments designed to increase self-awareness of issues related to diversity.

PSYD 791. Psychopharmacology. (2).

This course will examine the principles of psychopharmacology and will review individual classes of drugs as well as their mechanisms. Special attention will be given to drug-to-drug interactions, particularly with the elderly. Students will become familiar with the FDA drug review process and will consider relevant legal and ethical issues.

PSYD 792. Advanced Topics. (1-4).

PSYD 793. Dissertation Completion. (3).

Dissertation Completion is a 3 unit course that PsyD students take to complete work on their dissertations following the completion of their internship training. Prerequisites: completion of PSYD-795 and PSYD-796.

PSYD 794. Independent Study. (1-4).

PSYD 795. Internship 1. (0.5-3).

PSYD 796. Internship 2. (0.5-3).

PSYD 797. Dissertation Continuation. (1-3).

Students enroll in dissertation continuation once they have completed coursework and are enrolled in internship.

PSYD 798. Internship. (3.00).