2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Global Business (minor)

A minor in global business offers students a chance to focus on world trade and the expanding world markets while getting an overview of all aspects of business.

Students interested in business and/or foreign language will benefit from the global business curriculum through hands-on experience with business projects.

Career opportunities in the global business arena include banking, marketing and consulting.

Minor in Global Business

20 credits minimum in Business Administration and/or Economics, 16 credits upper division.

BUS 251Principles of Accounting4
BUS 394Global Business4
Additional upper division credits from international business and/or international economics courses12
International Finance
International Marketing
Global Business Behavior
Pacific Rim/Art of Japanese Management
International Economics
Economic Development
Global Political Economy

Required Supporting Course

ECON 203General Economics4
Total Hours4



Jamshid Damooei

Paul Witman

Clinical instructor

Judith Richards


Chris Njunge