2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.


For students whose academic goals are not best served by a traditional major, Cal Lutheran offers the opportunity to design an interdisciplinary major in which the student selects courses from more than one department.  Independent studies and experiential learning can also be included in the major.

Students work with a faculty mentor and faculty advisory committee to develop a proposal for a course of study that meets the student’s needs.  Examples of such majors include environmental law and policy; childhood development and creativity; graphic design; systems analysis; and human resources management.

Major Requirements for a B.A. or B.S. in Interdisciplinary:

40 credits with no more than 30 from one department; 24 of these credits must be upper division.   


  1. Normally a student should declare an interdisciplinary major by the second semester of the junior year.  Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the advisory committee and appropriate academic dean.
  2. The student, with the help of a faculty advisor, shall submit a typewritten application to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.  The proposal shall consist of:
    • A rationale for the major, including a description of the major and an explanation of what makes the courses a cohesive major rather than a random collection of courses.
    •  A list of all courses contained in the major, listed under respective departments. Normally the major should represent at least three departments with no more than 30 units from any one department. 
  3. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, in consultation with the faculty advisor, will appoint a committee of at least three faculty members to review the proposal.  At least one professor from each department represented in the major will serve on the committee.
  4. If the committee approves the major, the final contract will be prepared and signed by the faculty advisor.  It is then sent to the Dean of the College of Arts and Science (or other appropriate academic dean) and the Registrar for final approval.
  5.  Any changes in the student’s program must be submitted in writing to the advisory committee, Dean, and Registrar for approval.


Lower Division

INTD 282. Sel Top:. (1-4).

Upper Division

INTD 482. Italian Renaissance Literature in Transl. (4-8).

This course is a survey of major literary masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. Students will be introduced to the literary, spiritual, and human values that emerged during this period and will understand their influence on European civilization.

INTD 496. Directed Research. (0).

A university-wide research course with individual department designations.