2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.


California Lutheran University’s Geology Department offers a challenging curriculum for students who are interested in exploring for energy and economic resources, analyzing geologic hazards and mitigating the human impact on the environment.

The program emphasizes learning through course work, as well as through extensive fieldwork. The department works closely with the other related disciplines of chemistry, physics, biology, mathematics and geography. Through their studies and research projects, Cal Lutheran geology majors will learn how the Earth’s processes and life have changed over time.

Southern California offers a unique opportunity for Cal Lutheran students to study firsthand many of the geologic wonders of the world. Numerous field trips are offered during the year to places such as Death Valley, the Grand Canyon, Owens Valley and the eastern Sierra Nevada.

Along with being accepted in graduate schools around the country, many Cal Lutheran geology majors have entered careers in petroleum geology, geophysics and the environmental geology fields. In both the public and private sectors, geologists are hired to study groundwater pollution, earthquake hazards and landslides, as well as to work in the mining industry, petroleum industry or in research laboratories.

Bachelor of Arts in Geology

35 credits minimum, 22 credits upper division.

GEOL 111/111LPhysical Geology and Physical Geology Lab4
GEOL 112/112LHistorical Geology and Historical Geology Lab4
GEOL 311/311LCrystallography and Mineralogy and Crystallography and Mineralogy Lab5
GEOL 312/312LPetrology and Petrology Lab5
GEOL 331/331LInvertebrate Paleontology and Invertebrate Paleontology Lab4
GEOL 332/332LStratigraphy and Sedimentation and Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Lab4
GEOL 335/335LStructural Geology and Structural Geology Lab5
GEOL 421Field Geology4
Total Hours35

Required Supporting Courses

PHYS 201/201LMechanics and Thermodynamics-Algebra and Mechanics and Thermodynamics- Lab4
CHEM 151/151LGeneral Chemistry and General Chemistry Lab5
MATH 251Calculus I4
Total Hours13

Bachelor of Science in Geology

38 credits minimum, 30 credits upper division.

GEOL 111/111LPhysical Geology and Physical Geology Lab4
GEOL 112/112LHistorical Geology and Historical Geology Lab4
GEOL 311/311LCrystallography and Mineralogy and Crystallography and Mineralogy Lab5
GEOL 312/312LPetrology and Petrology Lab5
GEOL 331/331LInvertebrate Paleontology and Invertebrate Paleontology Lab4
GEOL 332/332LStratigraphy and Sedimentation and Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Lab4
GEOL 335/335LStructural Geology and Structural Geology Lab5
GEOL 421Field Geology4
GEOL 485Seminar2-4

Required Supporting Courses

PHYS 201/201LMechanics and Thermodynamics-Algebra and Mechanics and Thermodynamics- Lab4
PHYS 202/202LElectricity, Magnetism, Optics -Algebra and Electricity, Magnetism, Optics - Lab4
CHEM 151/151LGeneral Chemistry and General Chemistry Lab5
CHEM 152/152LGeneral Chemistry II and General Chemistry II Lab5
MATH 251Calculus I4
MATH 252Calculus II4
Total Hours26

Minor in Geology

16 credits minimum, 8 credits minimum at upper division level.

GEOL 111Physical Geology3
GEOL 111LPhysical Geology Lab1
GEOL 112Historical Geology3
GEOL 112LHistorical Geology Lab1
Upper Division Geology Credits8


Lower Division

GEOL 111. Physical Geology. (3).

A systematic analysis of the Earth, inside and out, its rocks, minerals, soils and water. This involves the study of the processes by which these materials are formed and are constantly changed, including how mountains are created and then eroded by streams, wind and glaciers. Volcanoes, earthquakes and plate tectonics are also covered. Field trips. Lecture, 3 hours/week.

GEOL 111L. Physical Geology Lab. (1).

Hands-on study of rocks and minerals, topographic and air photo interpretation and a variety of geologic exercises that help understand the geologic processes and landforms studied in GEOL 111. Laboratory, 2 hours/week. Prerequisite or corequisite: GEOL 111.

GEOL 112. Historical Geology. (3).

The study of the ancient distribution of land and sea and change in life through geologic time. Lecture, 3 hours/week. Prerequisite: GEOL 111.

GEOL 112L. Historical Geology Lab. (1).

Includes fossil identification, geologic map interpretation and paleogeographic problems. Prerequisite or corequisite: GEOL 112.

GEOL 118. The Oceans. (4).

A general survey of geological and biological processes in the oceans with a strong environmental emphasis. Laboratory exercises and field trips complement lecture material. (cross-listed with BIOL 118).

GEOL 118L. The Oceans Lab. (0).

GEOL 152. Introduction to Environmental Science. (3).

An examination of the relationship between people and the physical environment. Topics include geologic hazards such as volcanoes and earthquakes; pollution of land, air and water; park conservation; energy alternatives; and global challenges such as ozone depletion and human-induced climate change. Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory, 2 hours/week.

GEOL 152L. Intro Environmental Science Lab. (1).

GEOL 212. Dinosaurs. (4).

A survey of the non-avian dinosaurs includes: anatomical comparisons of the major dinosaur groups, plus flying and swimming vertebrates of the Mesozoic Era: new discoveries such as dinosaur eggs and nesting sites, the emergence of birds, soft tissue preservation, and the search for genetic material; a review of the process of fossilization; the paleogeography of the Mesozoic world; and the geological background relevant to dinosaur studies. Lab activities are integrated into the meeting times of the lecture course.

GEOL 224/224L. Planetary Geology. (4,0).

This course will focus on the Earth and its local planetary neighbors utilizing the vast amount of information that has been and continues to be acquired by space probes as well as manned lunar missions. Exposure to comparisons with other nearby planets and planetary objects will allow a better understanding of the Earth, especially our impact on climate and resources. New discoveries and observations in planetary geology demonstrate how the field of geology has changed dramatically since the inception of the "space age". This class will provide students with new insights into planetary evolution, the impact of the space program on our societal needs, and challenge them to critically evaluate data. Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory, 2 hours/week.

GEOL 282. Selected Topics. (4).

GEOL 282C. ST: Select Topic (core). (1-4).

Select Topic approved for core requirement.

GEOL 282L. Sel Top Lab. (0).

GEOL 285. Interim Travel Course. (1-2).

Upper Division

GEOL 311. Crystallography and Mineralogy. (5).

Covers morphological crystallography, crystal chemistry, relation of mineral properties to their internal structure, recognition of selected minerals in hand specimen and optical techniques used for mineral identification (use of the polarizing microscope). Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory, 6 hours/week. Prerequisites or corequisites: GEOL 112; CHEM 151.

GEOL 311L. Crystallography and Mineralogy Lab. (0).

GEOL 312. Petrology. (5).

The study of the origin, occurrence, classification and identification of igneous and metamorphic rocks in hand specimen. Lecture, 4 hours/week; Laboratory, 3 hours/week. Prerequisite: GEOL 311.

GEOL 312L. Petrology Lab. (0).

GEOL 331. Invertebrate Paleontology. (4).

A survey of the study of ancient life as revealed in the fossil record. Lecture stresses evolutionary theory and the history of life; lab surveys major invertebrate fossil taxa with emphasis on taxonomy and functional morphology. Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory, 3 hours/week. Prerequisite: GEOL 112.

GEOL 331L. Invertebrate Paleontology Lab. (0).

GEOL 332. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. (4).

The study of sedimentary rocks, sites of deposition, postdepositional changes and sedimentary tectonics. Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory, 3 hours/week.

GEOL 332L. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Lab. (0).

GEOL 335. Structural Geology. (5).

The discussion of primary and secondary rock structures, with particular reference to crustal deformation. Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory, 6 hours/week.

GEOL 335L. Structural Geology Lab. (0).

GEOL 390. Introduction to Soils. (4).

Soil Science encompasses a broad spectrum of integrated sciences that include biology, chemistry, earth/geological sciences, physics, horticulture and ecology. Lectures will introduce you to many of the subdivisions of soil science that include: agriculture and nutrient management, soil formation and pedology, soil classifications, soil biology, soil physics and soil chemistry. Lab exercises are designed to provide you with some hands on experience pertinent to the subdivisions of Soil Science.

GEOL 390L. Intro to Soils Lab. (0).

GEOL 395. Water Resources. (3).

An introduction to the principles of surface and groundwater hydrology and to problems related to water utilization. Includes water distribution and availability, alternatives for increasing future water supply, water pollution and mitigation, and water rights law.

GEOL 395L. Lab & Field Studies Water Resources. (1).

Water sampling and testing; simulation of groundwater movement and contaminant migration; stream-table modeling of fluvial landforms. Field trips to study geologic and hydrologic characteristics of areas important to water supply in California and the Southwest.

GEOL 405. Geophysics. (4).

An interdisciplinary study of how to use geophysical observations of the Earth's gravitational and magnetic fields, seismic wave velocities and subsurface electrical resistivity to solve geological and environmental problems. Specific field methods using geophysical instruments will be taught along with the interpretation of the collected data. Lecture, 3 hours/week; Laboratory 3 hours/week. Prerequisites: PHYS 201 & PHYS 202 or PHYS 211 & PHYS 212. GEOL 111 or GEOL 152 recommended. (cross-listed with PHYS 405).

GEOL 405L. Geophysics Lab. (0).

GEOL 421. Field Geology. (4).

Studies the field methods used in geology, including surveying, plane tabling, geologic mapping and section measuring. Prerequisite: GEOL 335.

GEOL 482. Selected Topics. (1-4).

GEOL 482C. ST: Select Topic. (1-4).

Select Topic approved for core requirement.

GEOL 482L. Selected Topics Lab. (0).

GEOL 485. Seminar. (2-4).

GEOL 490. Independent Study. (1-4).

GEOL 492. Internship. (1-4).

(graded P/NC only).

GEOL 496. Directed Research. (1-3).



Willliam Bilodeau

Assistant professor

Megan Fung