2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Environmental Studies (minor)

The Environmental Studies minor offers students an overview of environmental perspectives in:

  • biology
  • geology
  • religion
  • literature
  • geography

Students choose from a variety of courses that span environmental writers and the ethics of environmental decisions to ecology and the availability of water resources. Courses are geared to benefit both science and liberal studies majors.

Many students who minor in Environmental Studies are planning careers in environmental law or education.

Minor in Environmental Studies

Five courses, 17-20 credits of which two courses (minimum 6 credits) must be upper division. Note: BIOL 352 may be substituted for BIOL 118 /GEOL 118 provided prerequisites are met. 

Lower Division:
GEOL 152/152LIntroduction to Environmental Science and Intro Environmental Science Lab4
BIOL 118/118LThe Oceans and The Oceans Lab4
or GEOL 118/118L The Oceans
CHEM 111/111LChemistry and the Environment and Chemistry and the Environment Lab4
ENGL 216Environmental Literature4
Upper Division:
BIOL 325/325LEnvironmental Ecology and Enviromental Ecology Lab4
BIOL 345/345LMarine Biology and Marine Biology Lab4
BIOL 452/452LCalifornia Plant Communities and California Plant Communities Lab4
GEOL 395/395LWater Resources and Lab Field Studies Water Resources4
REL 352Environmental Ethics4


ENVS 482. Selected Topics. (1-4).

ENVS 485. Environmental Science Capstone. (2).

This course introduces students to the professional skills and practices required in the environmental field. Includes introduction to GIS (Geographic Information Systems), literature searches, written and oral presentation of work. Prerequisite: senior standing.

ENVS 490. Independent Study. (1-4).

ENVS 492. Internship. (1-4).