2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Criminology and Criminal Justice

The purpose of a major in Criminology and Criminal Justice within a liberal arts university is to develop in students the knowledge, values and ethical consciousness that are essential to becoming responsible leaders in criminal justice and related human services vocations.

The major offers broad foundational courses drawing upon sociology, political science, psychology, management, public policy, criminology and law. The departmental curriculum integrates the relevant multidisciplinary theory to provide a foundation for understanding contemporary criminal justice theory and practice. Through a combination of course work, internships and special research projects, graduates are prepared to enter a wide variety of vocations including public law enforcement and corrections agencies or to pursue graduate study in law, judicial administration, and other professions.

Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice

42 credits minimum, 24 upper division. Criminology and Criminal justice majors are required to complete an internship in a criminal justice agency or related area in their junior or senior year. (graded P/NC only)

CRIM 101Introduction to Criminal Justice4
CRIM 276Criminal and Procedural Law4
CRIM 335Criminology4
CRIM 412Methods of Research and Statistics4
CRIM 460Senior Seminar: Criminal Justice4
CRIM 492Internship2-4
Select five of the following:20
Critical Issues in Policing
Contemporary Corrections
Violence & Victimization
Criminal Psychology
Juvenile Delinquency
CRIM 355Family Violence4
Deviance in U.S. Society
Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice
Substance Abuse
CRIM 420White-Collar Crime4
Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Crime
CRIM 451Forensic Investigations4
Selected Topics
Independent Study
Total Hours54-56


Lower Division

CRIM 101. Introduction to Criminal Justice. (4).

Introduces the student to the fundamental concepts, institutions, and formal and informal structures of American criminal justice. Includes a description and analysis of standard measures of criminal justice activity, crime reduction strategies and contemporary suggestions for improving criminal justice.

CRIM 105. Introduction to Law and Legal Process. (4).

Provides a critical understanding of the historical and philosophical foundations of law; topics include sources of legal tradition, the impact of law on society, judicial decision-making, and legal restraints and impediments. The course will familiarize students with electronic legal sources. Required for the Legal Studies minor, not required for the Criminal Justice major. (Cross-listed with POLS 105).

CRIM 276. Criminal and Procedural Law. (4).

A study of the concepts of criminal and procedural law as a social force; the historical development of law and constitutional provisions, legal definitions, classification of crime, case law and methodology of the study of law.

CRIM 282C. ST: Select Topic (core). (1-4).

Select Topic approved for core requirement.

Upper Division

CRIM 320. Critical Issues in Policing. (4).

Examines the social, legal and political issues affecting policing in a democratic society, including police accountability, responsibility, community policing, individual and organizational deviance, civil liability and the role of technology. Students analyze contemporary research as related to the police role. Pre-requisite: CRIM-101 or permission of the instructor.

CRIM 330. Contemporary Corrections. (4).

Examines current correctional practices (diversion, community supervision, institutionalization and special problems confronting correctional efforts) in light of historical, philosophical and social developments. Pre-requisite: CRIM 101 and sophomore standing or permission of instructor.

CRIM 335. Criminology. (4).

The analysis of the nature, causes and distribution of crime, with an emphasis on the relationship between theoretical explanations of crime and contemporary social responses. Contemporary research supporting crime control/prevention efforts is examined. Prerequisite: CRIM 101 or permission of instructor.

CRIM 340. Violence & Victimization. (4).

Victimology addresses the sources of violence, the relationships between victims and offenders, the interactions between victims and the criminal justice system, and the social, legal and institutional responses to violence and victimization. There is specific focus on the victims of violent crimes such as spousal abuse, workplace violence, predatory crime, and terrorism. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor.

CRIM 341. Criminal Psychology. (4).

Students examine theory, research, law and case studies to gain an understanding of the behavior of violent offenders. Research into biological, psychological and social causes is examined and evaluated. Additional topics include the role of the forensic psychologist, the science of profiling and the definitions and use of the insanity defense. Prerequisite: CRIM 101, junior standing or permission of instructor. (cross-listed with PSYC 341).

CRIM 350. Juvenile Delinquency. (4).

A study of the social and psychological factors contributing to juvenile delinquency and the societal and governmental attempts to prevent and control individual delinquent behavior. The role of the juvenile court and common intervention strategies are also examined.

CRIM 355. Family Violence. (4).

This course examines the ramifications of family violence as well as the broad issues surrounding domestic violence from an interdisciplinary perspective. Violence against women typologies and theories such as cycle of violence, dominance and control are among the sociological and psychological perspectives covered and crimes such as battering, sexual assault, child abuse, and elder abuse are analyzed in a broad social and political context. The legal perspectives on proactive arrest policies, restraining orders, and anti-stalking legislation that have emerged across the United States also are examined. Special attention is given to how these crimes affect women, men, children, and elders, and how the criminal justice system may better address the needs of victims and offenders. Prerequisite: Crim-101 or permission of the instructor.

CRIM 365. Comparative Justice Systems. (4).

Comparative justice systems analyzes crime patterns and justice procedures of common law or Western justice systems, with non-Western nations around the world. Specific emphasis on comparing criminal laws, law enforcement, the judicial process, and punishment philosophies of different countries. The course satisfies the global studies requirement. Prerequisite: Crim. 101 or permission of instructor.

CRIM 370. Deviance in U.S. Society. (4).

Introduces students to sociological concepts of deviance, social control, social power, and identity construction/management. Focusing on the topic of deviance, an explanation of how groups of people have the power to shape and apply social definitions of "normalcy" and "morality" will provide an analytical lens through which to look at the consequences for those labeled as "deviant." Minimum of sophomore standing. (cross-listed with SOC 370).

CRIM 392. Internship Via Luther College Program. (1-6).

CRIM 404. Constitutional Law in Criminal Justice. (4).

Emphasizes Supreme Court decisions and constitutional issues relevant to the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth amendments. Students are expected to research and present cases from the text and other legal sources. Prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor. (cross-listed with POLS 404).

CRIM 410. Substance Abuse. (4).

An overview of drug use in a historical and social context, primarily in the United States. The course covers alcohol and other controlled substances, paying particular attention to the implications of past and current drug use practices and policies for criminal justice agencies. Prerequisites: CRIM 101 and junior standing.

CRIM 412. Methods of Research and Statistics. (4).

The study of the major methods of research used in social inquiry. Emphasis is on the use of social surveys, qualitative interviews, data analysis and interpretation. The students will also make use of the computer by applying statistical software to data entry and analysis, finding patterns in the data, testing hypotheses and presenting findings using tables and graphs. Prerequisites: CRIM 101 and junior standing.

CRIM 420. White-Collar Crime. (4).

This course will provide students with a critical examination of white-collar crime and deviance, its impact on society, and what might be done to address this social problem. Cross-listed with BUS 420. Pre-requisite: Junior standing or permission of instructor.

CRIM 430. Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Crime. (4).

This course critically examines the impact of gender, race, ethnicity and class on crime and how the criminal justice system operates within these contexts. Also examines the impact of perception, stigmatization, theory, law and social policy on minorities and women as offenders, victims, and practitioners.

CRIM 440. Terrorism. (4).

The course focuses on the violence of terrorism and the strategic uses and justification of violence in political and religious life. The course explores the ideology and methods of terrorism by and against governments. An examination of legal and extralegal policies designed to counter terrorism are explored. Prerequisites: junior standing or permission of instructor. (cross-listed with POLS 440).

CRIM 445. Legal Reasoning. (4).

This course is designed for junior and senior students interested in law school, graduate school in public policy, or any profession touched by the law. (cross-listed with POLS 445).

CRIM 451. Forensic Investigations. (4).

Forensic investigations will familiarize students with the process of criminal and forensic investigations as they relate to the criminal justice process. Students will learn the various applications in criminal investigations which include forensics, interview/interrogation, search and seizure, use of DNA, policies and procedures. We will study the legal aspects of investigations and rules regulating the documentation, collection and analysis of evidence. We will explore the various investigative techniques used to detect, prevent, and study crime and behavior. This is a lecture-based and discussion course, so we will rely upon both audible and visual learning theories. The text will be used during lecture hours, but the reading assignments occur outside of class hours. Supplemental materials will be distributed in class and/or posted upon the class website. There will also be several experiential learning activities outside of the classroom. These will be announced in advance. Cross-listed with PSYC 451. Prerequisite: CRIM 101 or PSYC 200 and junior or senior standing.

CRIM 460. Senior Seminar: Criminal Justice. (4).

A social, political, legal and philosophical examination of contemporary criminal justice policy. Includes analysis of ethical issues confronting the police, courts and corrections and their impact on criminal justice practitioners, clients and the public. Prerequisites: senior standing, completion of all required major courses.

CRIM 482. Selected Topics. (1-4).

CRIM 482C. ST: Select Topic (core). (1-4).

Select Topic approved for core.

CRIM 490. Independent Study. (1-4).

CRIM 492. Internship. (2-4).

Criminal justice majors are required to complete an internship in a criminal justice agency or related area in their junior or senior year. (graded P/NC only).

CRIM 496. Directed Research. (1-3).



Helen Lim

Schannae Lucas

Robert Meadows

Associate professor

Molly George