2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Courses of Instruction


  • Accounting
  • American Sign Language3
  • American Studies2
  • Art1
  • Asian Studies2
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Biological Sciences1
  • Business Administration1
  • Chemistry1
  • Chinese3
  • Communication1
  • Computer Information Systems1
  • Computer Science1
  • Creative Writing2
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Dance2
  • Earth and Environmental Science3
  • Economics1
  • Education3
  • English1
  • Environmental Science
  • Environmental Studies2
  • Ethnic Studies2
  • Ethnic and Race Studies

  • Exercise Science

  • Film and Television1
  • Financial Planning2
  • French1
  • Gender and Women's Studies2
  • Geography3
  • Geology1
  • German1
  • Global Business2
  • Global Studies1
  • Greek3
  • Hebrew3
  • History1
  • History Pedagogy
  • Honors3
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship2
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Interdisciplinary Educational Studies
  • Languages and Cultures3
  • Learning Resources3
  • Legal Studies2
  • Marketing Communication
  • Mathematics1
  • Multimedia1
  • Music1
  • Music Production
  • Philosophy1
  • Physics1
  • Political Science1
  • Psychology1
  • Religion and Theology 1
  • Science (Applied Scientific Computing)2
  • Sociology1
  • Spanish1
  • Sports Management2
  • TESOL2
  • Theatre Arts1
  • Theology and Christian Leadership1
  • University3
  • Visual Arts3

System of Course Descriptions

Courses of study and their descriptions are arranged according to course numbers within their departments.

The following classification system identifies a course as freshman, sophomore, junior or senior level. Freshman and sophomore courses are in the lower division; junior and senior courses are in the upper division.

The course value in semester credits is indicated within parentheses after the course title.

Course Numbering System

  • Courses numbered 01-99
    designate preparation courses not applicable to degree credit.
  • Courses numbered 100-199
    are usually taken by freshman students.
  • Courses numbered 200-299
    are usually taken by sophomores.
  • Courses numbered 300-499
    are upper division courses normally taken by juniors and seniors. A freshman or sophomore may take upper division courses with consent of the instructor.
  • Courses numbered 500-599
    are graduate level courses.
  • Courses numbered 600-799
    are doctoral level courses.
  • Courses numbered 800-899
    are professional development
  • Courses numbered 900-999
    are Continuing Education Units (CEU).
  • Teaching Credential: Contact the School of Education or the appropriate department adviser for a complete list of courses needed to fulfill subject matter requirements for a Multiple Subject or Single Subject Credential.