2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Bachelor's Degree for Professionals

The Bachelor's Degree for Professionals is an expression of California Lutheran University’s commitment to life-long learning. The Bachelor's Degree for Professionals program offers the same high quality education that is found in the traditional daytime program, but is tailored to meet the special needs of working adult students. The program’s creative learning environment, liberal arts and professional curriculum, dedicated advisors, and exceptional faculty offer a unique opportunity for the post-traditional learner who is seeking personal and professional advancement and development.


Who May Apply?

The Bachelor's Degree for Professionals program has set minimum requirements to ensure that the adult orientation of the program is maintained. You may apply if you:

  1. have graduated from high school or possess a G.E.D. certificate
  2. have completed 12 transferable semester hours of college credit
  3. have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25
  4. are at least 22 years of age
  5. have 2-3 years of work experience, must include a resume

Current or previous California Lutheran University traditional undergraduate students desiring to transfer to the Bachelor’s Degree for Professionals program will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  The stated application process must be followed and all minimum guidelines met.  Additionally in order to be considered for admission to the Professionals program traditional undergraduate students must have at least 25% of their major and/or CORE requirements left to complete prior to admission to the program.

How to Apply

  1. Schedule an appointment with an admission counselor for a preliminary transcript evaluation of unofficial transcripts and academic advisement;
  2. Complete an on-line application (https://www.callutheran.edu/professionals/admission/apply.html);
  3. Have official transcripts from all previously attended colleges sent to the Transfer Admissions office.

At the time of your admission interview or shortly thereafter, you will be notified of the admission decision. If admitted, you will be sent information about registration procedures. Upon your acceptance, transfer credits from other colleges will be evaluated by the registrar's office and the results mailed to you before the end of your first term.

Readmission of Former Bachelor's Degree for Professionals Students

If you were formerly enrolled as a Bachelor's Degree for Professionals student (formerly the Adult Degree Evening Program) but have not attended four or more consecutive terms and were not on an approved extended leave of absence, you must apply for readmission by submitting an updated application form and meeting with an admission counselor. The curriculum requirements in effect at the time of your readmission will apply.

Academic Policies

Alternatives for Acquiring Credit

Course Load

Since most Bachelor's Degree for Professionals students are also employed, a normal course load is considered to be two courses per term (six to eight units). The number of units you take, however, is up to you as long as you don’t exceed 10 units per term. If you would like to take more than 10 units per term, you must seek the approval of your advisor and the Director of the Bachelor’s Degree for Professionals program. Please contact the Financial Aid office regarding questions related to course load and financial aid.

Concurrent Enrollment

If you are admitted as Bachelor's Degree for Professionals student and wish to enroll in courses within the traditional undergraduate Cal Lutheran program or in another college or university, you must obtain approval from the Director of the Bachelor's Degree for Professionals program prior to enrolling in the course(s). Normally, requests for concurrent enrollment at another institution will not be granted unless you demonstrate a compelling need to take the course at that location.

Leave of Absence

By notifying their academic advisor, students may request to take a leave of absence for up one year/four consecutive terms.  Under certain circumstances, students may be approved to take an extended leave of absence, totaling two years/eight consecutive terms.  Students need to speak with their academic advisor to begin the request process.  Students exceeding the approved time for their leave of absence will be inactivated from the program and will have to reapply to be readmitted. The curriculum requirements in effect at the time of readmission will apply.

Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Refer to Callutheran.edu/financial-aid/tuition-fees/ for current tuition and fees.

Tuition is due and payable on or before the first class meeting unless you have made alternative payment arrangements with the Student Accounts personnel in the Business Office. Late payment fees are assessed on delinquent accounts. Students with delinquent accounts cannot register for the new term until fees for the prior term have been paid. All financial obligations must be met before academic records (diplomas, grade reports and transcripts) will be released. You may contact the Business Office or refer to WebAdvisor for information regarding your student account status.

Student Status

Student enrollment status definition for Bachelor's Degree for Professionals:

  • Full-time = six units or more
  • Three-quarter time = five units
  • Half-time = three units

Bachelor's Degree for Professionals students must be at least half-time (three units) to be eligible for federal loans. Limited financial aid may be available for less than half-time status.

Financial Assistance

A financial aid counselor is available to help you apply for financial need and discuss various forms of financial assistance. Please click on the following link for various forms of financial assistance: https://www.callutheran.edu/professionals/financial-aid/types-of-aid-html.

How to Apply for Financial Aid:

  1. Complete the following forms:
    1. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) available online at www.fafsa.gov
    2. Bachelor's Degree for Professionals Application for Student Financial Aid online at www.callutheran.edu/financial_aid/forms/
  2. Turn in all completed financial aid forms and necessary supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Office by the deadlines indicated.
  3. Accept the financial aid offered, in whole or part, by the reply date indicated on your award letter.
  4. If borrowing loans, you will be required to complete the loan application (Master Promissory Note) and Entrance Counseling process if needed.

You must be officially admitted to the University and registered for classes to receive financial aid.

Return of Funds Policies for Federal Aid

Students who receive federal aid1 are subject to federal return of funds policies. If the payment period for which a student received funds (term) is not completed and the student withdraws from all courses, then the student is only eligible for a percentage of the aid equal to the percentage of the period completed. The following is an example of this concept:

Krista enrolls in the fall term but drops out before the end of the term. She actually completes 35 percent of the term and, therefore, is only eligible for 35 percent of the aid awarded for that period (amount earned).

If the aid earned is more than the amount that was actually disbursed to the student (credited to their account), then California Lutheran University will offer the student a post withdrawal disbursement according to certain conditions such as whether or not a valid Student Aid Report has been received, the status of the verification process, etc.

If the amount disbursed is more than the amount earned, then California Lutheran University must return the amount unearned to the U.S. Department of Education. The student will then be responsible for any balance owed to California Lutheran University caused by the return of funds.

For additional information, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at (805)493-3115.

Degree Requirements

General Degree Requirements

The requirements for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science are designed to provide you with a broad program of liberal arts study and an opportunity to concentrate in the field of special interest. It is intended that at the undergraduate level the emphasis be placed on acquiring a broad education in many subjects, leaving highly specialized and professional studies to the graduate school level.

Bachelor's Degree for Professionals advisors will assist you in preparing an individualized degree plan; nevertheless, you are ultimately responsible for seeing that your academic program includes all requirements for graduation.

  1. Students must complete 124 semester credits. At least 40 of these must be upper division, that is, junior or senior level courses (courses numbered 300-499).
  2. 30 of the final 40 credits must be completed in residence. This requirement cannot be met using credit by examination, CLEP or community college.
  3. Students must earn at least a 2.0 grade point average for all CLU work and also achieve a 2.0 on all combined CLU and other college work.

General Education Requirements

You may have transferred some or all of the required general education courses from previous course work. However, if you still need any of the courses, you will find them as part of the Bachelor's Degree for Professionals curriculum. General education includes:

  1. Proficiencies 
    1. Written Communication:
      1. ENGL 111 – Freshman English with a grade of C or better
      2. One upper division writing intensive course
    2. One speaking intensive course
    3. Mathematical Reasoning:
      One course (beyond intermediate algebra) or satisfactory score on the designated exam. Depending on the student’s score on the math placement test, the student may be required to take MATH 110 Intermediate Algebra as a prerequisite for higher level courses.
  2. Perspectives
    1. Humanities:
      One religion course and three additional courses selected from religion, literature, philosophy, history or humanities.
    2. Social Sciences:
      Two courses in different disciplines selected from specifically approved cultural anthropology, criminal justice, economics, cultural geography, political science, psychology, and sociology courses.
    3. Natural Sciences:
      One course with a lab component: physical anthropology, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physical geography, geology, physics. Senior transfers (90 or more credits) who have completed two science courses without laboratory components will have met the natural sciences requirement.
    4. Visual and Performing Arts:
      One course, at least two credits.
  3. Cultures and Civilizations*
    1. U.S. Diversity – one course
  4. Integrated Studies*
    1. Integrated Studies Capstone – one course (This course is part of the requirements for your major and may also be used to complete a perspectives requirement.)

NOTE: Students transferring from California community colleges who, prior to transfer to Cal Lutheran, have fully satisfied the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) need only complete the religion and oral communication requirements to meet the Bachelor's Degree for Professionals general education requirements. Students who do not complete the IGETC will follow the Cal Lutheran's general education requirements as stated above.

NOTE: Students transferring from California community colleges who, prior to transfer to Cal Lutheran, have fully satisfied the CSU GE-Breadth Certification need only complete one upper division religion course and a third humanities course (if three humanities courses are not completed as part of the CSU GE-Breadth) to meet the CORE-21 general education requirements.

Pass/No Credit

No general education requirements or any portion of the major (including supporting courses) may be satisfied by courses graded P/NC, except for specifically designated courses.

Major Requirements

All students must complete an academic major as part of the requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Requirements for an academic major are as follows:

  1. Completion of at least 32 credits in an area of concentration for the Bachelor of Arts or at least 36 credits for the Bachelor of Science.
  2. 33% of a major's upper-division required courses and required electives must be taken in residence at Cal Lutheran.  Internships and independent studies are excluded from this calculation unless they are required for the major.
  3. A minimum grade point average of 2.0 is required in the major. Required support courses are not included in the major GPA.
  4. At least 75 percent of the required courses for a major must be unduplicated with any other major or minor.

Minor Requirements

Minors consist of a coherent set of related courses in a particular disciplinary or interdisciplinary area. An academic minor is not required for a degree; however, if a student elects to earn a minor, he or she

  1. must complete the specified 15-20 credits within the minor desired;
  2. may not major and minor in the same department;
  3. must complete at least eight to 12 credits in upper division courses and at least two of those courses must be completed in residence at Cal Lutheran;
  4. must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0;
  5. may not count internships toward the minor unless specifically required by the minor;
  6. may use only one independent study course to meet minor requirements;
  7. at least 75 percent of the required courses for a minor must be unduplicated with any other major or minor.