2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership

The Master of Arts in Educational Leadership prepares candidates for leadership positions within an educational organization. Graduates of the program are prepared to serve as principals, teacher leaders and mentors, curriculum developers, and superintendents. The master’s program is a 30-unit program, which includes the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (24 units).

Program Outcomes

Reflective, principled Educational Leadership program graduates will be educational leaders who promote the success of all students by:

  1. Facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community;
  2. Advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth;
  3. Ensuring management of the organization, operations, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment;
  4. Collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources;
  5. Modeling a personal code of ethics and developing professional leadership capacity;
  6. Understanding, responding to, and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context.

Admission to the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership Program

To assure a prompt admission decision, candidates for admission to the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership Program should submit all application materials by April 1st. All application materials are to be collected by the applicant and submitted together. Admission decisions for regular standing are based on a review of the following materials in the applicant’s file:

  1. A completed application form and non-refundable application fee
  2. Official transcripts verifying bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution
  3. Test scores from the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), or an approved petition to waive the examination on criteria cited below*
  4. A personal statement following the guidelines included in the admission packet
  5. Three letters of recommendation
  6. Evidence of initial interview and program advisement with a faculty adviser
    *Applicants whose undergraduate records do not satisfy the criteria set forth in paragraphs A-D below must include Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores in their admission portfolios. The admission test may be waived for candidates who present an official transcript of previous college work from a regionally accredited college or university reflecting any one of the following criteria:

(a) An undergraduate, upper division grade point average of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale); or

(b) A combined grade point average of 3.0 or higher for the most recent 60 units of study consisting of any of the following: graduate course work, upper division postbaccalaureate course work (exclusive of extension or continuing education work) and upper division undergraduate course work; or

(c) A minimum of nine units of graduate course work completed with a 3.5 grade point average; or

(d) A previously earned master’s degree.

Note: All applicants who have completed their undergraduate work at an institution outside of the U.S. must submit GRE and TOEFL scores and have their transcripts evaluated by a CTC-approved agency for equivalency to a U.S. bachelor’s degree.

Note: Applicants for the Educational Leadership Program will need to submit verification of their teaching or services credential. If an applicant does not have a California teaching credential, a Certificate of Clearance will need to be obtained.

Requirements for the Master of Arts in Educational Leadership

Completion of 30 units as follows:

Course Requirements (30 units)
EDLD 502Current Social,cultural,political Issues3
EDLD 504School Law and Public Policy3
EDLD 510AAction Research for Practitioners1
EDLD 510BAction Research for Practitioners1
EDLD 510CAction Research for Practitioners1
EDLD 550Focusing on Student Achievement3
EDLD 568Organization Leadership & Public Educ3
EDLD 570Curriculum Leadership/Program Eval3
EDLD 572Managing Resources3
EDLD 580Org Transformation/Leading Learning3
EDLD 591AFieldwork Practicum1
EDLD 591BFieldwork Practicum1
EDLD 591CFieldwork Practicum1
EDLD 598Action Research Project3
Total Hours30

Requirements for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential1

Candidates must complete the following 21 credits for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential:

EDLD 504School Law and Public Policy3
EDLD 550Focusing on Student Achievement3
EDLD 568Organization Leadership & Public Educ3
EDLD 570Curriculum Leadership/Program Eval3
EDLD 572Managing Resources3
EDLD 580Org Transformation/Leading Learning3
EDLD 591AFieldwork Practicum1
EDLD 591BFieldwork Practicum1
EDLD 591CFieldwork Practicum1
Total Hours21


EDLD 502. Current Social,cultural,political Issues. (3).

An in-depth systematic study of the social, cultural, and political issues and trends that affect educational leaders in today's American schools.

EDLD 504. School Law and Public Policy. (3).

Implications and trends of court decisions at the federal, state, and local levels as they affect the role of counselor, teacher, and administrator; their impact on district policy and finance, and on district and local programs and activities. Also studied is the importance of policy development and implementation and its impact on K-12 education.

EDLD 510A/510B. Action Research for Practitioners. (1,1).

This course provides a systematic study and analysis of current research and research methods for conducting action research projects. The objectives in this course focus on the knowledge base (A); the techniques (B); and applications of action research (C).

EDLD 510C. Action Research for Practitioners. (1).

This course provides a systematic study and analysis of current research and research methods for conducting action research projects. The objectives in this course focus on the knowledge base (A); the techniques (B); and applications of action research (C).

EDLD 550. Focusing on Student Achievement. (3).

An emphasis on using the California Standards for the Teaching Profession to guide instructional practice and the development of coaching and mentoring skills to promote student achievement.

EDLD 568. Organization Leadership & Public Educ. (3).

An overview of curriculum; theory, development, organization, evaluation, improvement and implementation; historical background and comparative educational patterns; the social, psychological, and philosophical roots. Candidates learn how to evaluate curricular and instructional programs for their effective use and implementation. Candidates learn to apply, model, and analyze both formative and summative assessment strategies and demonstrate an understanding of standards-based accountability systems.

EDLD 570. Curriculum Leadership/Program Eval. (3).

An overview of curriculum; theory, development, organization, evaluation, improvement and implementation; historical background and comparative educational patterns; the social, psychological, and philosophical roots. Candidates learn how to evaluate curricular and instructional programs for their effective use and implementation. Candidates learn to apply, model, and analyze both formative and summative assessment strategies and demonstrate an understanding of standards-based accountability systems.

EDLD 572. Managing Resources. (3).

The processes of managing human and fiscal resources with a focus on student achievement, including the selection and hiring of employees, supervision and evaluation techniques, fiscal resources, and grant writing.

EDLD 580. Org Transformation/Leading Learning. (3).

A focus on school culture and its implications for student achievement. Candidates learn formative approaches to supervision practices that increase student achievement as well as how to evaluate instruction for school improvement. Current practices such as Response to Intervention (RTI) and Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are studied.

EDLD 590. Independent Study. (1-4).

EDLD 591A/591B. Fieldwork Practicum. (1,1).

EDLD 591C. Fieldwork Practicum. (1).

EDLD 592. Professional Induction Plan a & B. (2).

The course is designed to assist and support the candidate in the development and assessment of the Personalized Induction Plan (PIP) to support the candidate in his or her professional and personal growth. The plan is developed in collaboration with candidate's supervisor (or designee), the candidate, and the candidate's faculty advisor. Prerequisites: The candidate holds a Preliminary Administrative Credential; The candidate is currently placed in an administrative position as found on the CBEDS document for his/her district.

EDLD 598. Action Research Project. (3).

This course is a culmination of EDLD 510 a, b, c coursework. The candidate completes a five-chapter paper of the action research project developed in EDLD 510 a, b, and c, including the following: introduction; literature review; methodology; discussion of data; analysis and findings.

EDLD 599A. Seminar: Professional Development. (1).

These one-unit courses, each designed to be taken over the period of one year, introduce the candidate to the electronic portfolio system and tools the candidate will need to successfully navigate course work and create an electronic portfolio for defense at the culmination of all course work. Topics covered will include developing professional goals based on self-assessments, presentation skills, developing a Web page, uploading to the electronic portfolio, and choosing learning activities to showcase benchmark assessments.

EDLD 601. Research Tools and Application. (3).

An introductory course that equips candidates with basic library, writing, technology, and research skills to be used in all courses in the program. Strategies and ethics of research provide the basis for designing research questions, selecting data collection strategies, and conducting basic data analysis. Candidates begin a comprehensive literature review in the course.

EDLD 603. Hist & Phil Fndn Educ Leadership. (3).

A historical survey of the competing philosophical bases for the creation and implementation of educational policy and practice, with particular attention to questions of equity and excellence in a multicultural society.

EDLD 605. Instructional Leadership Modern Org. (3).

This course explores several major theories of learning, group process and organizational development, and the implications of those theories for diagnosis and action to influence learner outcomes. It includes emphasis on the problems, dilemmas, and opportunities for leaders in educational, public and human service organizations.

EDLD 607. Ethics and Values in Educational Leaders. (3).

This course guides candidates to understand and articulate individual and organizational values that shape the dynamic learning organization. Students make the connection between articulated values and ethical practices in our diverse communities.

EDLD 610. Research Seminar: Literature Review. (4).

A comprehensive review of the research literature related to designated themes and a general topic of research interest, with a focus on literature review of the anticipated dissertation topic. Candidates will complete the integrative literature review and begin framing research questions for further pursuit.

EDLD 612. Quantitative Research Design/Analysis. (4).

The use of data-based decision-making in modern, diverse organizational settings. The course builds on the prerequisite basic research methods course and includes problem posing and presentation and analysis of data.

EDLD 613. Qualitative Research Design and Analysis. (4).

An overview of qualitative research assumptions, characteristics, approaches, and techniques. Candidates will conduct a small-scale field-study.

EDLD 614. Policy Development & Political Influence. (3).

Provides an introduction to the various phases of policy making in education, including problem identification, policy development, policy analysis, political decision-making, policy implementation, and policy evaluation. The course includes study of organizational structures for educational decision-making at the federal, state, county, and local levels, with emphasis on how and where influence can be exerted.

EDLD 617. Leadership, Diversity & Inclusivity. (3).

This course examines the social ecology of American P-20 education through a lens of inclusion, social justice, diversity and equity. The course will focus on best practices as they inform policy and practice from early childhood education to postsecondary institutions. It will also concentrate on the influence of diversity, culture and society and politics on P-20 American education.

EDLD 619. Higher Education and the Law. (GR).

This course examines legal problems and issues as they affect students, faculty members, and administrators in American colleges and universities. Distinctions in the legal environments of public, private, and church-related institutions will be made. Emphasis will be placed on constitutional issues, contract law, federal and state regulation, liability, faculty and staff employment, and community relationships.

EDLD 620. Research Seminar: Dissertation Proposal. (4).

In this course, candidates receive the direction and guidance needed to develop their dissertation research proposals. At the end of the course, students will have a draft of their proposal, which must be presented to their dissertation committee.

EDLD 621. Int'l Comparative Educ Practices. (3).

This course will provide students with the opportunity to examine educational policy and practice through an international and cross-cultural lens. The focus of the course will be on (1) comparative educational policies and practices and their relationship with economic development, and (2) educational quality, standards, accountability, and reform. The course will involve a critical examination of relevant literature and the option of international travel to visit educational institutions and agencies of the selected country or countries.

EDLD 622. Program Evaluation. (3).

The application of quantitative and qualitative skills to guide the improvement of policymaking and practice in organizations. Candidates will conduct an evaluation study as part of this course.

EDLD 623. Student Success and Retention. (3).

This course will examine the current research and best practices relative to college student success and retention. Particular attention will be given to the demographic trends, co-curricular institutional practices, public policies, campus environments, and educational practices that contribute to student success and persistence.

EDLD 624. Leading Organizational Change/Developmt. (3).

Candidates examine approaches to studying and influencing organizational effectiveness. The course includes a study of leadership styles, conflict management, group dynamics, and change process.

EDLD 625. Colloquium in Principles-Based Ed Ldrshp. (3).

This is a colloquium; that is, class discussion based on close reading of common texts. The focus of the course is on the concept "principles-based educational leadership." Candidates will be required to read a variety of texts which propose versions of principles-based educational leadership, to clearly and coherently define the meaning and implications of principles based educational leadership, to examine the potential for application of principles-based educational leadership in actual educational situations, and to inquire into the connection between their dissertations and the principles of principles-based educational leadership.

EDLD 626. Managing Resources in Support Org Vision. (3).

A focus on human and material resources and the organizational patterns of education at the federal, state, county, and local levels. Emphasis is on the interrelationship of the educational bureaucracy as it relates to the framework of decision-making and the functions at the local level in meeting individual student needs. The course includes techniques and strategies for grant writing and managing grant funds.

EDLD 627. Administration in Higher Education. (3).

This course will focus on the best practices in college and university management and administration with an emphasis on planning, resource acquisition, resource allocation, human resource development, and organizational communication. Distinctions will be made among public, private, and church-related institutions of higher education.

EDLD 630. Research Seminar: Data Analysis. (4).

This course is intended to guide candidates through the organization and analysis of their dissertations data. Advanced topics in data analysis will be introduced, including multivariate statistics; factor analysis; and multilevel modeling. Other advanced qualitative topics including the use of computer programs for qualitative data analysis will be presented. Candidates will be expected to present a draft of the problem statement, literature review, and methods sections of their dissertations by the end of the summer seminar.

EDLD 631. Collaborative Research Groups. (3).

The purpose of this course is to provide support and direction for candidates at the dissertation stage. The course is organized for small groups of candidates to act as peer reviewers of their dissertations. Candidates meet online, in person, and in formal class settings to critique their work. Candidates act under the supervision of the course instructor and are expected to make weekly class presentations.

EDLD 634. Dissertation Seminar 1. (3).

NOTE: Candidates will remain continuously enrolled until the dissertation is completed. If additional time is required, candidates must register for two dissertation units per semester until the dissertation is successfully defended.

EDLD 635. Dissertation Seminar II. (4).

NOTE: Candidates will remain continuously enrolled until the dissertation is completed. If additional time is required, candidates must register for two dissertation units per semester until the dissertation is successfully defended.

EDLD 636. Dissertation Defense. (3).

NOTE: Candidates will remain continuously enrolled until the dissertation is completed. If additional time is required, candidates must register for two dissertation units per semester until the dissertation is successfully defended.

EDLD 637A. Prof Induction Plan Development a. (1).

The course is designed to assist and support the candidate in the development and assessment of the Personalized Induction Plan (PIP) to support the candidate in his or her professional and personal growth. The plan is developed in collaboration with candidate's supervisor (or designee), the candidate, and the candidate's faculty advisor.

EDLD 637B. Prof Induction Plan Development B. (1).

(second semester) The course is designed to assist and support the candidate in the development and assessment of the Personalized Induction Plan (PIP) to support the candidate in his or her professional growth. The plan is developed in collaboration with candidate's supervisor (or designee), the candidate, and the candidate's faculty advisor.

EDLD 638A. Collective Inquiry a. (1).

The course is designed to assist and support the candidate in the development of a year-long action inquiry that is based on the CPSELs. During fall semester, the candidate chooses an issue at his/her school site, develops research questions, engages the faculty, and collects data.

EDLD 638B. Inquiry Action B. (1).

(second semester) The course is designed to assist and support the candidate in the development of a year-long action inquiry that is based on the CPSELs. During the fall semester, the candidate chooses an issue at his/her school site, develops research questions, engages the faculty, and collects data.

EDLD 682. Select Topic:. (3).

EDLD 690. Independent Study. (1-4).