2019-2020 Graduate Catalog

This is an archived copy of the 2019-2020 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Teacher Education

Credential Programs Offered

California Lutheran University is authorized by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing to offer programs leading to the preliminary teaching credentials described below. Programs are offered during daytime hours for full-time students. 

Multiple Subject Credential Programs (2042)

A Multiple Subject Teaching Credential authorizes public school teaching in a self-contained classroom in preschool, kindergarten, grades one through 12 and classes organized primarily for adults.

Single Subject Teaching Credential (2042)

A Single Subject Teaching Credential authorizes the holder to teach the specific subject(s) named on the credential in departmentalized classes such as those in most middle schools and high schools.

Private School Teaching Credential (SB57)

This program is offered to those currently teaching in an accredited private school who do not hold a teaching credential. Requirements include a combination of successful experience as a classroom teacher, successfully passing required examinations and the completion of approved course work. Teachers interested in this credential should meet with a counselor in Graduate Student Services for specific requirements.

Clear Credential

This credential is offered to those who teach in public or private schools and are not able to fulfill requirements for a clear 2042 credential by enrolling in an Induction Program (BTSA) offered through public school districts or County Offices of Education. Holders of preliminary multiple subject or single subject credentials must be employed as the teacher of record in a full time setting.  Those seeking this credential should meet with a Graduate Admissions Counselor for specific requirements.

Just as the field of education is a versatile and multi-disciplined field, the Graduate School of Education at California Lutheran University offers a variety of avenues for students interested in teaching.

Academic course work is balanced by practical fieldwork in the public school classroom. Programs are jointly planned by CLU and educators in Ventura County. Practical fieldwork prepares potential teachers for classroom instruction, as well as for supervision of extracurricular activities and participation in faculty and parent meetings.

Applicants may apply to the credential program only or to a combined credential/M.Ed. program. The Master of Education is offered utilizing much of the course work required for a teaching credential. The master’s degree must be completed within seven years of initial registration. Units earned in student teaching and field study are not applicable to the master’s degree.

Program Outcomes

Reflective, principled Teacher Preparation program graduates will be able to:

  • Make subject matter comprehensible to students:
    • TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction
  • Assess Student Learning:
    • TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
    • TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments
  • Engage and support students in learning:
    • TPE 4: Making Content Accessible
    • TPE 5: Student Engagement
    • TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
    • TPE 7: Teaching English Learners
  • Plan instruction and design learning experiences for students:
    • TPE 8: Learning about Students
    • TPE 9: Instructional Planning
  • Create and maintain effective environments for student learning:
    • TPE 10: Instructional Time
    • TPE 11: Social Environment
  • Develop as a professional educator:
    • TPE 12: Professional, legal and ethical obligations
    • TPE 13: Professional Growth

Note: Teacher credential program candidates are assessed using specific expectations for beginning teachers, known as Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs). Candidates in the M.Ed. portion of the program are assessed using broader level program goals corresponding to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs). Candidate competencies in the TPEs are measured using the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPAs).

Admission to the Master of Education in Teacher Leadership (M.Ed.) Program

To assure a prompt admission decision, applicants for admission to the Teacher Education Program/Master of Education (M.Ed.) Program should submit all application materials by July 1 for fall semester; November 1 for spring semester; and April 1 for summer semester. All application materials are to be collected by the applicant and submitted together. Admission decisions for regular standing are based on the following materials in the applicant’s file:

  1. A minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 2.7 for credential program; 3.0 upper division GPA for Master of Education (M.Ed.)
  2. Admission appointment with an admissions counselor
  3. Application for Admission form and non-refundable application fee
  4. Official transcripts from all previous colleges and universities attended
  5. A personal statement following the guidelines included in the admission packet
  6. Three academic or professional recommendations
  7. For M.Ed. applicants only, submission of GRE scores (unless Petition to Waive GRE Requirement is submitted and approved). The admission test may be waived for candidates who present an official transcript of previous college work from a regionally accredited college or university reflecting any one of the following criteria:
    1. An undergraduate, upper division grade point average of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale); or
    2. A combined grade point average of 3.0 or higher for the most recent 60 units of study consisting of any of the following:
      1. graduate course work
      2. upper division postbaccalaureate course work (exclusive of extension or continuing education work)
      3. upper division undergraduate course work; or
    3. A minimum of nine (9) units of graduate course work completed with a 3.5 grade point average; or
    4. A previously earned master’s degree from an accredited university

The University is authorized by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) to offer credential programs under the Teacher Preparation and Licensing Law of 1970 and subsequent revisions.

Levels of Credentials

California has a two-level credential structure: Preliminary Multiple and Single Subject, and Clear Multiple and Single Subject. Requirements for these credentials are as follows:

Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential

  1. Bachelor’s or higher degree from a regionally accredited U.S. college or university
  2. Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (fingerprint clearance)
  3. Demonstration of Basic skills proficiency (passage of CBEST or CSET Writing Section)
  4. Passage of an approved course or program covering the U.S. Constitution
  5. Demonstration of Subject-matter competence (passage of CSET, Multiple Subjects)
  6. Passage of all four sections of the CalTPA with score of "3" or higher
  7. Passage of RICA exam
  8. CPR Certification
  9. 39 credits in education (including clincial field experiences) are required. The following courses must be included:
EDLT 500Foundations of Education3
EDLT 501Theories of Teaching:Learning/Developmt3
EDLT 502Teaching English Learners & Diverse Pop3
EDLT 503Teaching Exceptional Learners Inclusive3
EDTP 511,Teacher Performance Assessment,2
EDTP 520Leadership/Law Diverse Class-Elementary3
EDTP 521Literacy/Language Diverse Class-Elemntry3
EDTP 522Teaching I: Planning Methods Content-Ele3
EDTP 523Introduction to Clinical Fieldwork -Elem3
EDTP 512,Teacher Peformance Assessment Elementary,1
EDTP 525Teaching Ii: Adv Planning/Methods-Elem3
EDTP 540Clinical Field Work - Elementary9
or EDTP 552 Field Study Elementary
Total Hours36-39

Preliminary Single Subject Credential

  1. Bachelor’s or higher degree from an accredited college or university
  2. Certificate of Clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (fingerprint clearance)
  3. Demonstration of Basic skills proficiency (passage of CBEST)
  4. Passage of an approved course or program covering the U.S. Constitution
  5. Demonstration of Subject-matter competence (passage of CSET or a subject matter waiver from a CCTC approved undergraduate program)
  6. Passage of all four sections of the CalTPA with score of "3" or higher
  7. CPR Certification
  8. 36 credits in education (including clincial field experiences) are required. The following courses must be included:
EDLT 500Foundations of Education3
EDLT 501Theories of Teaching:Learning/Developmt3
EDLT 502Teaching English Learners & Diverse Pop3
EDLT 503Teaching Exceptional Learners Inclusive3
EDTP 513,Teacher Performance Assessment Secondary,2
EDTP 530Leadership/Law Diverse Class-Secondary3
EDTP 531Teaching I: Planning/Methods Content-Sec3
EDTP 532Literacy and Language in DiverseýClassrooms - Secondary3
EDTP 533Introduction to Clinical Fieldwork -ýSecondary3
EDTP 514,Teacher Performance Assessment Secondary,1
EDTP 535Teaching II Subject Specific Pedagogy3
EDTP 560Clinical Field Work-Sngl Subj-Secondary9
or EDTP 572 Field Study - Secondary
Total Hours36-39

Clear Multiple and Single Subject Credential

The majority of public school teachers will participate in a district-sponsored induction program and will fulfill requirements for the Clear credential through their employing district.

The Clear Credential program is available to Multiple or Single Subject preliminary credential holders who are teaching at a public, charter, private or non-public school where an induction program is not available through a school district or county office of education.  Candidates must be employed full time and be the teacher of record.  Private and other non-public schools must be accredited by an external accrediting agency such as WASC. Candidates who qualify for the Clear Credential program and complete the following four courses in the order in which they appear.  Entry to the program only takes place in the Fall semester.  The four courses are offered in a totally online format:

EDTP 556English Learners & Special Needs PopulatýPopulations3
EDTP 557Pedagogy for Effective Teaching: EnglishýLearners and Special Needs3
EDTP 558Health Environment & Integration Technol3
EDTP 559Professional Inquiry in Classroom II3
Total Hours12

Requirements for Advancement to Candidacy

The Teacher Education program utilizes Blackboard and TaskStream systems for candidate instruction and assessment. These systems are used in all class work. This requires candidates to have ready Internet access, either at home or through the university library or graduate center computer labs.

Ongoing assessment of teacher candidate progress occurs through the California Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs), supervised clinical fieldwork (student teaching), and various signature assignments. Through these assessments, each candidate demonstrates proficiency in the California Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and their understanding of the university’s conceptual framework (STRIVE Statement). Explanation of the TPAs, TPEs and the STRIVE statement is available on the Graduate School of Education Web page.

Requirements for advancement to Methods course work:

  1. Certificate of Clearance (fingprint clearance)
  2. Basic Skills
  3. U.S. Constitution
  4. Subject Matter Competence
  5. Satisfactory completion of all Foundations course work (grade of “B” or better)
  6. Payment of TPA fee

The California Teaching Performance Assessments (CalTPAs) were designed by the CTC along with the Educational Testing Service to measure the knowledge and skills of beginning teachers. The TPAs are designed to provide candidates with an opportunity to develop, refine and demonstrate teaching knowledge, skills and abilities.

The TPAs consist of four performance tasks that increase in complexity throughout the teacher education program. The four tasks are intended to be completed as candidates progress through the program. Tasks 1 and 2 are submitted as part of TPA Seminar 1 (EDTP 511 /EDTP 513 ) during Methods Block. Tasks 3 and 4 are submitted as part of TPA Seminar 2 (EDTP 512 /EDTP 514 ) during the Full-time Student Teaching Block of course work.

The TPAs serve as a summative criterion for recommendation for the teaching credential. Passing all four tasks with a score of 3 or better (on a 4 point rubric) is required to be recommended for a teaching credential. There is a fee of $500 paid prior to admission to the Methods Block of course work. This fee covers the cost of taking and assessing all four tasks, electronic portfolio subscription for submission of tasks, TPA Handbook and other printed materials.

Note: These requirements are subject to change by the CTC.

Requirements for the Master of Education in Teacher Leadership

The Master of Education requires completion of 36 graduate units (not including student teaching). Students must choose one of the following three options:

Option 1

Students who complete their teaching credential program at CLU at the graduate level:

Candidates who complete the Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject credential course of study at CLU may be eligible for the M.Ed. with the following additional requirements:

EDTP 510,Action Research for Practitioners3
EDTP 509Introduction to Educational Research3
EDTP 599Educational Research Project and Thesis3

Option 2

Students who complete their teaching credential program at CLU at the undergraduate level:

Candidates need 36 graduate units to earn a master’s degree. They may take any of the special interest, reading certificate, technology, or clear credential courses in addition to the three required research classes

EDTP 509Introduction to Educational Research3
EDTP 510,Action Research for Practitioners3
EDTP 599Educational Research Project and Thesis3

Option 3

Classroom teachers who did not complete their teaching credential program at CLU:

Candidates need 36 graduate units to earn a master’s degree. Cal Lutheran will accept 9 teaching credential units from another university. The student will then need to take 12 elective units from the special interest, reading certificate, technology or clear credential courses.

EDTP 509Introduction to Educational Research3
EDTP 510,Action Research for Practitioners,3
EDTP 599Educational Research Project and Thesis3

Special Interest

EDLD 504School Law and Public Policy3
EDLD 568Organization Leadership & Public Educ3

Reading Certificate (State Qualified Credential Authorization)

EDRD 559Foundations of Literacy Learning3
EDRD 563Literacy Assessment and Interpretation3
EDRD 564Differentiated Reading Instruction:ýAssessment and Remediation3
EDRD 565Interdisciplinary Literacy Across LevelsýAnd Learners3


EDTE 522Technology Information Systems3
EDTE 524Media and Technology in the Classroom3
EDTE 526Educational Technology for Teachers3
EDTE 528Software for Educators3

Clear Multiple or Single Subject Credential

EDTP 556English Learners & Special Needs PopulatýPopulations3
EDTP 557Pedagogy for Effective Teaching: EnglishýLearners and Special Needs3
EDTP 558Health Environment & Integration Technol3
EDTP 559Professional Inquiry in Classroom II3

Educ-Teacher Prep Courses

EDTP 502. Theories of Teaching and Learning. (3).

Theories of teaching, learning and assessment of learning. The influence of those theories on content, methods, and classroom environment, including the use of technology, and their application in improving academic achievement for all students. Fieldwork required.

EDTP 506. Child & Adolescent Growth Developmt. (3).

The exploration of the cognitive, linguistic, social, moral, emotional, and physical factors affecting development, academic achievement, and behavior in children and adolescents. Fieldwork required.

EDTP 508. Students With Diverse Learning Needs. (3).

Theories, approaches, and student characteristics for teaching students with special learning needs and English learners. Fieldwork required.

EDTP 509. Introduction to Educational Research. (3).

A core course designed to introduce educational practitioners to educational research. Through an examination of the nature of research, ethical and philosophical principals, types of research, and characteristics of data students will explore quantitative and qualitative methods of designing and conducting research in the context of classroom settings.

EDTP 510. Action Research for Practitioners. (3).

Drawing from qualitative, quantitative, and combined applications or research, the core course is designed to guide students through a systematic study of the interrelated activities embedded in the development of an action research project. Constructing a problem statement and research question will guide the preparation of literature review and methodological plan. Candidates will also submit an Application to Use Human Participants in Research to the Institutional Review Board. All work in this course will lead to the writing of a masters thesis. Pre-requisite: EDTP-509.

EDTP 510C. Action Research Practitioners Tch Educ. (3).

Designed for candidates in the Department of currently teaching in a K-12 school setting. This course provides systematic study and analysis of current research and research methods for conducting action research projects. The objectives in this course focus on the (A) knowledge base, (B) techniques, and (C) applications of action research. Prerequisites: EDTP 554 and must be currently teaching with preliminary or clear credential or prior approval by advisor.

EDTP 511. Teacher Performance Assessment. (2).

Candidates meet weekly, alternating each week with whole group sessions and small group sessions. Whole group sessions will begin with a two-day workshop which will provide an introduction to the four California Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs), the 13 Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), Lesson Planning overview and the use of TdaskStream. Whole group sessions will focus on the passage of the TPAs, which is a requirement of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Preparation, submission and assessment of TPA 1 and TPA 2 will take place during this course.

EDTP 512. Teacher Peformance Assessment Elementary. (1).

Candidates meet weekly, alternating each week with whole group sessions and small group sessions. Whole group sessions will focus on the passage of the TPAs, which is a requirement of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Preparation, submission and assessment of TPA 3 and TPA 4 will take place during this course. Small group sessions on alternating weeks will be facilitated by the supervisor and focus on the student teaching experience.

EDTP 513/514. Teacher Performance Assessment Secondary. (2,1).

Candidates meet weekly, alternating each week with whole group sessions and small group sessions. Whole group sessions will begin with a two-day workshop that will provide an introduction to the four California Teaching Performance Assessments (TPAs), the 13 Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), an overview of lesson planning, and the use of TaskStream. Whole group sessions will focus on the passage of the TPA's, which is a requirement of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Preparation, submission and assessment of TPA 1 and TPA 2 will take place during this course.

EDTP 520. Leadership/Law Diverse Class-Elementary. (3).

Designed to integrate theory into practice in the diverse classroom. Teacher candidates study the theories of leadership, classroom management, discipline and lesson planning required for an initial experience in the California classroom. Teacher candidates are placed in a classroom with a diverse student population to observe and implement teaching strategies necessary to address this student group. Concurrent with enrollment in (Elementary) Methods course work.

EDTP 521. Literacy/Language Diverse Class-Elemntry. (3).

Theory-based methods of instruction in reading and language arts in today's culturally diverse elementary classrooms.

EDTP 522. Teaching I: Planning Methods Content-Ele. (3).

This course is a study of the content standards, learning goals and lesson planning strategies for mathematics and science education at the elementary school level. This course will provide an introduction to concept development, assessment and the meaningful application of mathematics and science learning in elementary classrooms. Additional focus will be on the integration of technology in the elementary curriculum. Consideration will be given to the cross-cultural and heterogeneous nature of California's student population.

EDTP 523. Introduction to Clinical Fieldwork -Elem. (3).

Placement is made in an elementary school classroom with a diverse student population. Observation, development and implementation of classroom management and teaching strategies that foster academic achievement in all elementary subject areas. Development and implementation of strategies and adaptations to meet the needs of all sub=populations. Supervision will be provided a cooperating teacher and a university field supervisor while working with individuals, small groups, and the entire class. (Graded P/NC Only).

EDTP 525. Teaching Ii: Adv Planning/Methods-Elem. (3).

An advanced course focusing on curriculum, long-term planning, unit development, instructional strategies, grouping strategies, adaptations and assessments for diverse students in the California elementary classroom. Attention will be given to the integration of content areas and technology through thematic teaching and incorporation of adaptations for English learners and students with special needs.

EDTP 530. Leadership/Law Diverse Class-Secondary. (3).

Teacher candidates study the theories of leadership, educational law, classroom management, and discipline strategies required for an initial experience in the California classroom. Teacher candidates are concurrently placed in a classroom with a diverse student population to observe, develop and implement teaching and classroom management strategies necessary to address this student group.

EDTP 531. Teaching I: Planning/Methods Content-Sec. (3).

This course is a study of the content standards and lesson planning strategies for all single subject content areas. This course will provide an introduction to concept development, assessment, and the meaningful application of content area learning in single subject classrooms. Good pedagogical practices regardless of subject area is the primary focus. Additional focus will be theintegration of technology in the elementary curriculum. Consideration will be given to the cross-cultural and heterogeneous nature of California's student population.

EDTP 532. Literacy and Language in DiverseýClassrooms - Secondary. (3).

This course will address methods of teaching reading in the content areas and development of English language literacy, assessment, technology, content standards, and common core standards as they impact student achievement.

EDTP 533. Introduction to Clinical Fieldwork -ýSecondary. (3).

Placement is made in a middle school classroom with a diverse student population. Observation, development and implementation of classroom management and teaching strategies that foster academic achievement in an appropriate single subject content area, RTI and English Language Development. Development and implementation of strategies and adaptations to meet the needs of all sub-populations. Supervision will be provided by a cooperating teacher and a university field supervisor while working with individuals, small groups, and the entire class. (Graded P/NC Only).

EDTP 535. Teaching II Subject Specific Pedagogy. (3).

An advanced strategies method course designed to integrate the theories underlying the pedagogical practices in the California classroom. Teacher candidates focus on advanced planning, unit planning, and grouping strategies in a secondary classroom. Specific attention will be made to designing adaptations and appropriate assessment practices for their specific content areas. Candidates will be concurrently placed in a public school classroom where they will design and implement varied plans and assess student performance. Please contact academic advisor for the appropriate section for your content area.

EDTP 540. Clinical Field Work - Elementary. (9).

Semester-long full-time assignment in an elementar schl classroom with a diverse student population. Development and implementation of classroom management and teaching strategies that foster academic achievement in all content areas for all students. Development and implementation of lesson adaptations and assessment of student learning. Supervision by a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor while working with individuals, small groups, and the entire class. This course follows a shadow model (apprentice) and the candidate is expected to follow the hours of the school site and the cooperating teacher. (Graded P/NC Only).

EDTP 551. Health Education for Teachers. (3).

This course covers health-related issues and problems of K-12 students while focusing on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to support the students' physical, cognitive, emotional and social well being. This course fulfills the CTC Ryan and 2042 Clear health education requirements.

EDTP 552. Field Study Elementary. (1-5).

In-service guidance and support for employed teachers in either public or private settings. Designed specifically for teachers who are working either without a credential (private school setting) or with an intern credential in the public school setting. The emphasis of the experience is on organization and implementation of effective teaching procedures and techniques. Field Study may be taken concurrently with (Elementary) Methods course work. Entrance to the Field Study program is based on written documentation from the employing agency and meeting with the University Credential Analyst and the Director of Placement and Assessment (Graded P/NC only).

EDTP 554. Educational Measurement - Teacher Prep. (3).

Assessment of typical and atypical pupils, including the preparation, selection, administration, scoring, and interpretation of culturally appropriate normed and criterion-referenced individual and group tests. Prerequisite: Preliminary teaching credential.

EDTP 556. English Learners & Special Needs PopulatýPopulations. (3).

An advanced course of study regarding the methodology and pedagogy needed to teach English learners and special populations. Candidates will build on the knowledge, skills, and strategies acquired during preliminary preparation teaching coursework and clinical practicum. A special emphasis is placed on the needs of K-12 Latino populations. This course is part of a 9-unit program for the California Clear Credential for multiple and single subjects. Offered Online.

EDTP 557. Pedagogy for Effective Teaching: EnglishýLearners and Special Needs. (3).

This course in first and second language acquisition deals with an overview of some aspects of linguistic theories. The course further deals with language acquisition, theories, legal implications, and accountability factors related to language learning among both native and non-native speakers of English. Delivery of instruction, school/district programs and services, assessment and accountability, and inclusionary practices for English language learners are emphases for this course. Fieldwork is required. This course fulfills the CTC 2042 Clear English learner requirement. Offered Online.

EDTP 558. Health Environment & Integration Technol. (3).

An advanced course of study regarding the methodology and pedagogy needed to create a healthy learning environment as well as integrating technology as a teaching and learning tool. Teacher candidates build on the knowledge, skills, and strategies acquired during preliminary preparation teaching coursework and clinical practicum. A special emphasis is placed on the needs of K-12 Latino populations. This course is part of a 9-unit program for the California Clear Credential for Multiple and Single Subjects. Offered Online.

EDTP 559. Professional Inquiry in Classroom II. (3).

This inquiry-based course guides and informs teachers about their professional growth. The purpose of formative assessment is to improve teaching, as measured by the CSTPs, in relation to the state-adopted academic content standards and performance levels for students. In collaboration with a support provider in the field, teachers assess their practice with a set of specific criteria. They develop and implement an action plan as well as research the impact of instruction on student achievement. This course is part of a 9-unit program for the California Clear Credential for multiple and single subjects. Offered Online.

EDTP 560. Clinical Field Work-Sngl Subj-Secondary. (9).

Semester-long full-time assignment in a single subject secondary classroom with a diverse student population. Development and implementation of classroom management and teaching strategies that foster academic achievement for all students incorporating both content standards and common core standards. Development and implementation of lesson adaptations and assessment of student learning. Supervision by a cooperating teacher and a university supervisor while working with individuals, small groups, and the entire class. This course follows a shadow model (apprentice) and candidate is expected to follow the hours of the school site and the cooperating teacher. (Graded P/NC Only).

EDTP 563. Microcomputers in Education. (3).

Focuses on the use of microcomputers in educational settings and includes understanding of computer hardware, software, programming, tool and utility usage as well as CAI software used in the classroom. This course fulfills the CTC basic technology requirement.

EDTP 572. Field Study - Secondary. (1-5).

In-service guidance and support for employed teachers in either public or private settings. Designed specifically for teachers who are working either without a credential (private school setting) or with an intern credential in the public school setting. The emphasis of the experience is on organization and implementation of effective teaching procedures and techniques. Field Study may be taken concurrently with (Secondary) Methods course work. Entrance to the Field Study program is based on written documentation from the employing agency and meeting with the University Credential Analyst and the Director of Placement and Assessment. (Graded P/NC only).

EDTP 582. Selected Topics. (2).

EDTP 590. Independent Study. (1-4).

EDTP 599. Educational Research Project and Thesis. (3).

Drawing from the work completed in EDTP-510, candidates will continue to draw from qualitative, quantitative and combined applications of research to complete a systematic study in an educational setting. Research data is gathered and analyzed leading to the completion of a written master's thesis. Public presentation of the candidate's work culminates this course.

EDTP 599C. Classroom Based Research Project. (3).

Class study for the development of an action research project and presentation. Admission to master's program required. Prerequisites: EDTP 510C and must be currently teaching with preliminary or clear credential or prior approval by advisor.

Educ-Teaching and Learning Courses

EDLT 500. Foundations of Education. (3).

This course will examine the historical, social, and cultural foundations of American education as seen through a historical narrative with an emphasis on the diversity of contemporary schooling. Students will be provided with an introduction to issues, trends, education theory and practice. Additionally, major philosophies of education which have informed American education and how they affect schooling in a societyof multiple cultures will be explored. 10 hours of fieldwork is required.

EDLT 501. Theories of Teaching:Learning/Developmt. (3).

This course explores the factors influencing development, academic achievement, and behavior in P-20 Learners and the learning theories that support these goals. 15 hours of Fieldwork required.

EDLT 502. Teaching English Learners & Diverse Pop. (3).

This course in teaching English Language Learners and Diverse Populations examines first and second language acquisition with an overview of aspects of linguistic theories as well as social and cultural factors influencing language acquisition. The course further explores theories, legal implications, and accountability factors related to language learning among both native and non- native speakers of English. Delivery of instruction (including technologies), school/ district programs and services, assessment and accountability, and inclusionary practices for English language learners are emphases for this course. 10 hours of fieldwork is required.

EDLT 503. Teaching Exceptional Learners Inclusive. (3).

This course examines supports for exceptional learners in inclusive environments. This course will explore the learning and behavioral characteristics of individuals with exceptionalities; the theory and practices of special education service delivery models; current state and federal special education laws, with an emphasis on the Individualized Educational Program and partnerships with families; the definitions of each exceptionality; the history of special education services to individuals in the US; the theory and practices of Evidence Based Practice for individuals with exceptionalities and assessment practices guiding such practices; assistive technologies; and current philosophical positions and challenges in special education. 5 hours of fieldwork is required.



Michael Hillis
Interim Chair & Dean


Michael McCambridge
Director of IES Program

Associate professors

Elizabeth Brennan
Director of Special Education

Michael Cosenza
Director of Professional Development Schools

Maureen Lorimer
Director of Master's Degree Programs

Maura Martindale
Director of Deaf & Hard of Hearing Program

Assistant professors

Melissa Spence

Tymika Wesley


Michele Dean
Director of Field Experiences

Nancy Myers
Director of California Literature and Reading Project

Lorynn Selby
Director of Assessment