2012-2013 Academic Catalog


This is an archived copy of the 2012-2013 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

Chapel and Convocation

Wednesday Chapel Policy

Wednesday Chapel Policy

All faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to attend chapel each Wednesday morning form 10:10 to 10:40 a.m.  No classes, committee meetings, advisement sessions, music lessons, or tutoring sessions should be scheduled during this time.  Offices will be closed to the public and students will not be required to work during this time.  This is the one time each week when University members are invited to gather as a community and everyone should be free to attend.


Academic Convocation, Founders Day Convocation, Honors Day Convocation, and other events so designated by the President of California Lutheran University are all University events.  All faculty, staff and students are expected to be free to attend these events.  No classes, committee meetings, or other events are to be scheduled during these times.  Offices will be closed during these University events and students will not be required to work during this time.