2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog


This is an archived copy of the 2012-2013 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit http://catalog.callutheran.edu.

President's Message

The “college years” can be one of the most formative and satisfying stages of life, as students make lasting friendships, find partners, choose careers, affirm values and explore fundamental questions about their identity and purpose. All of us at CLU – faculty, administrators and staff – wish you success and joy throughout your college career.

Setting high academic standards and providing opportunities for real-world learning experiences, we’re dedicated to guiding students to discover and live their purpose.

In 1959 our first benefactor, Richard Pederson, gave his beautiful ranch to be the foundation of a Southern Californian college rooted in the legacy of Lutheran higher education. This legacy insists on the free and rigorous pursuit of truth while seeking the moral and spiritual development of every student.

The University delivers its outstanding academic and professional programs within a culture of openness, inclusion and respect for the planet. At CLU, you will address major global challenges, explore the issues of faith and reason, cross intellectual boundaries and gather tools for critical thinking. You’ll set out on a path toward greater confidence about who you are and what you can accomplish.

We invite you to discover your purpose with us.

Chris Kimball, Ph.D.


California Lutheran University is a diverse scholarly community dedicated to excellence in the liberal arts and professional studies. Rooted in the Lutheran tradition of Christian faith, the University encourages critical inquiry into matters of both faith and reason. The mission of the University is to educate leaders for a global society who are strong in character and judgment, confident in their identity and vocation, and committed to service and justice.